• Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
    10 months ago

    Ok, where'd the plane go? Surely the plane that they said hit the pentagon had to go somewhere? Or did aliens take it like mh370?

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      10 months ago

      I have no idea, is there proof that the plane actually left and is a real passenger plane that was scheduled?

      They might've also hijacked the plane and crashed it/shot it down into the ocean

        • GaveUp [she/her]
          10 months ago

          I put as much research into 9/11 as I do with my preferred economic policies and geopolitics

        • HornyOnMain
          10 months ago

          lmao at a non hexbear user ratioing a native hexbear user on our home turf - its a rare site but its always funny

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        10 months ago

        Comrade, I'm not saying this to dunk on you but when you reach these kinds of questions

        is there proof that the plane actually left and is a real passenger plane that was scheduled?

        you're delving into QAnon/Flat Earther-type thinking. Once you start with conspiracy first, explanations later, you're dangerously close to going off the deep end.

        If all these very reasonable responses don't convince you that the US didn't bomb themselves with a missile, then I'd urge you to ask yourself if there is anything that would convince you. What would be enough proof for you to go "Ah, oh well, I guess it really was a plane that crashed into the pentagon"?

        Because you can literally always say that evidence was faked by them but, well, then you've successfully made your theory unfalsifiable and have officially reached QAnon territory. I'm sorry if this sounds patronizing but I genuinely find this concerning.

        • GaveUp [she/her]
          10 months ago

          I'm just 9/11 posting for fun I indulge in conspiracy theories as pure entertainment cri

          I understand the only thing that matters is that the state used 9/11 as an excuse to pass sweeping surveillance changes on its citizens and wage wars in the middle east to strengthen its economy

    • NotARobot [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Yeah like to me it seems believable that maybe the cia or someone else had something to do with that particular attack, but like if you are going to go through the effort of jacking a plane, why not just ram the plane into it, why go through the extra effort of sending a missile, and then what, paying off witnesses & airtraffic controllers, landing the plane at a blacksite and shooting everyone?