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  • angry_dyke [she/her]
    4 years ago

    If being critical of animal torturers makes me a white yank and not a comrade, then I'll be a white yank all day. If you think being non-white gives you free reign to go off and do whatever evil shit you want to do to animals because that's just your culture then you're no comrade of mine. If the only source of protein you can afford is dog, then eat dog, but you can do it without boiling them alive. Anyone who boils an animal alive, anyone who causes an animal unnecessary pain is subhuman in my book.

    • gay [any]
      4 years ago

      What the fuck are you talking about

      You didn't do this for shit:

      being critical of animal torturers

      This is fucking racist:

      If you think being non-white gives you free reign to go off and do whatever evil shit you want to do to animals because that’s just your culture then you’re no comrade of mine

      I'm sure you're real mad at this nasty third worlder who doesn't take your racist breakdown over Chapo's apparent refusal to let a nazi get away with calling Chinese people sadistic dog eaters seriously, but you'll manage.

      Ah yes. I do boil the lobsters alive, I can afford many with my Latin wealth. And yes, I do boil the dog alive with my savage customs. I'm less human than you indeed. Ay sí, señora. Bailemos salsa ayayay. ¡Arriba!

      • angry_dyke [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I mean, if you really boil lobsters and dogs alive you're savage and subhuman, but it doesn't have anything to do with your skin tone or where you were born. There are hundreds of millions of Chinese people who aren't down with boiling dogs, millions of French who are disgusted by the thought of a fatted goose, and scores of white folks disturbed by the treatment of racing horses. You're scum because you're scum, call me racist all you want, ill sleep just fine tonight knowing I haven't tortured any sentient creatures, not because I'm white, but because I'm not a sociopath.

        • gay [any]
          4 years ago

          Just call me a slur already

          • angry_dyke [she/her]
            4 years ago

            That would make it easier for you, wouldn't it? It's so easy to dismiss me as just another white racist because I say things that make you uncomfortable. Your actions, if you really do boil animals alive, make you a savage. You can call me a racist all you want, it doesn't bother me one bit. I know who I am and I am completely comfortable with the person staring back at me in the mirror. Are you?

            • gay [any]
              4 years ago

              You can call me a racist all you want, it doesn’t bother me one bit

              Of course not. I wish you had actually read anything that I have written. Instead it's just wall after wall of text defending your racist white saviour complex. You're so arrogant that you think you can't be racist just because you say both sides bad without checking your language (savage, subhuman), your reaction (this is all because I made fun of a nazi) or your talking points (saying "I wish you died, sociopath" is just playin moral high ground)

              I know who I am and I am completely comfortable with the person staring back at me in the mirror. Are you?

              Well I mean, I have actual mental health issues. Do you wanna use those too to dehumanize me?

              • angry_dyke [she/her]
                4 years ago

                I only used savage because I thought you used it first. And I stand by the use of subhuman. If you know who I am so well, you know I would never dehumanize anyone for mental health issues. I don't begrudge anyone eating meat, I wish you wouldn't, but I also accept that my privilege allows me to make the choice to be vegetarian. What I don't accept, what I will never accept, is that one's culture, whether it is an oppressed one, or not, is an excuse to do horrific things to animals. That's absolute nonsense, it's unacceptable and if it means people here don't like me, think I'm a racist, think I'm a white savior, then so be it. The trend that I see on here to hand wave some serious ethical concerns because white westerners bad is pretty disappointing.

                • gay [any]
                  4 years ago

                  I'm so done with you. You're genuinely racist and you don't care about it. You think calling nonwhite people subhuman and savage is okay, you think accusing people of eating lobster (?) and to go die is okay, you think calling people sociopaths is okay... fuck you, really.

                  You did what you wanted, you berated me, called me subhuman for dismissing a nazi, you basically told me to kill myself, called me a savage lmao (which as a white person you shouldn't think it's okay to say). Anything else? The only thing stopping you is the slur filter isn't it.

                  I'm hurt man. Go fuck yourself.

                  Edit: whites be like "I can tolerate racism but I draw the line at dismissing it" and "I will call you subhuman but I draw the line at savage"

                  • angry_dyke [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    I've never used a racial slur in my entire life. And yeah, I hate people who boil lobster alive. To the point I've been estranged from my entire family for nearly a decade because my brother decided to serve 100 boiled lobsters at his wedding rehearsal dinner. Am I being racist to my very cruel and decadent white family, too? Or is it only racist if I hate that behavior in people who look different than I do? If I'm such a racist and my criticism is only motivated by my racial animus then why do you even care what I think? If you feel bad about doing fucked up shit to animals, stop doing fucked up shit to animals. If you don't feel bad about it, don't let some racist yank stop you.