I've hated China since I was a kid and learned about their fucking wretched, demented, overly self absorbed and outright fucking evil ""dog meat festival""

WARNING, links contain images of dogs being boiled alive.



Since then I've only been further convinced that I could absolutely not care less if everyone in that whole fucking country burned to the ground. Like they had a suck our leaders dick parade day, and winnie the poohs float exploded, setting literally everyone on fire... I would relish that news. Theres a lot of diverse nature there, but the humans who comprise that fuckin cesspool can all go have an antifreeze chugging contest for all I fucking care.

Fuck them. Fucking commie, pussy, trashy, shallow, weak, retrded fuckin chnks. Fuck em. Fuck em all. They're shit.

A Chinese origin person born and raised anywhere but gestapoland... You're cool. Chinese people born and raised in china are trash more often than not though. Theyre a product of their culture, sure. So are traditional muslim men in the middle east...

I would still gladly execute any number of either one given the opportunity. A sideways bullshit culture is no excuse for their evil and selfishness. Bullets and bombs are the cure such a plague imo... trouble is they have to be used with discretion and for humanitarian reasons, not profit.

Unfortunately for everyone thats not the world we live in at the moment.

Edit because I go overboard when im drinking and not everyone gets my kind of humor. For the record though, no. I would not and do not want to personally commit a whole genocide.

Edit 2: because so many people are stupid enough to need the first edit. I was having fun and im not a professional comedian, obviously. Im not deleting it and im done explaining a vague and arguably bad joke over and over. Fuck off.

+72 votes and "lib left".

Marg bar Reddit.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Notice how its always non-white people who eat different animals that are bad. Chinese eat cats and dogs? Subhumans. Swiss eat cats and dogs? Meh. Japan hunts and eats whales? Barbarism. Northern Europeans hunt and eat whales? crickets.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Everyone had open-minded reddit nerd “it a quirky and diverse!” takes.

          This also exemplifies a different but also exhausting type of anti-asian sentiment. I think most Asians who grew up in the west have at least one story of being mocked for brining kimchi or tofu or [non mainstream ethnic food] for lunch.

          Fast forward a few years and white hipsters making their own kimchi are the new fad.

          Don't even get me started on white people and "Asian fusion" cuisine.

          • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
            4 years ago

            Agreed, white people should only eat boiled ham, mayonnaise, and various grey mushes that used to be vegetables. Anything else is only allowed if they pay black and brown people first, then pay after.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, ask them their opinions on a Hindu who says the same thing about people who eat cows. Very different tune.

    • SirLotsaLocks [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Well dogs aren't herbivores which makes eating them energy inefficient, but a lot of people in the west eat fucked up shit all the time, like how we boil some seafood ALIVE because it goes bad otherwise instead of just.. NOT eating them.

      /e I also just saw the consciousness argument, and I think that its really fucked up that its not okay to eat dog because "they have feelins and emotions" but cows and pigs and sheep and goats and chickens and turkeys.. don't? like people keep all of those as pets because they do have feelings and emotions. its really shows the total hypocrisy of these people. Dogs shouldn't be farmed and eaten but at the same time neither should cows or pigs or sheep. As long as you support one its kind of ridiculous to say the other is abhorent.