I don't want to set the world on fire 🎵
I just want to start a flame on your deskReally captures his sparkling toothpaste personality along with his completely dead rat eyes.
This redesign is alright...but I still feel like the original captures his character better
(Side note: are people seriously spending $85 on this shit?)
If we can come to a jarring finish, we can fin--OH GOD OH FUCK
"Well, let me say this. It's not a sizzling, glamorous issue, but the shape of our Funko Pops is the treat that affects every other treat."
Amerikkka delenda est
This is what amerikkka has killed millions for, cheap plastic junk idolizing soulless neoliberalism.
Amerikkka delenda est
I would guess the protagonist from Office Space or something. Generic Human #2 on a Bethesda character creator.