you think someone would do that? just go on the internet and be wrong about corporate pizza recipe timelines?
Tfw u actually agree. Big pizza lobbied bush to look the other way as 9/11 happened so our freedoms would be taken away and therefor we would be more compliant to more expensive and shittier pizza over time. Slowly boiling the frog. Without 9/11 dominos would have gone extinct
I still don't fucking understand how 9/11 connects to the dumb fucking pizza. Like, what is there to "notice"? What is it that (((they))) thought we wouldn't notice? 9/11? The different taste of the pizza?
It's about how conspiracy gets increasingly convoluted with time. Take for example pizzagate and Qanon.
At this point I don't even understand what the conspiracy theory is lol
How does this factor into Papa John doing an interview where he's really sweaty and talking about how the day of reckoning will come?
didn't dominos heavily advertise changing their recipe in ~2013? their pizza got a lot better