• HornyOnMain
    10 months ago

    People who read your comment would think you’re a Nazi.

    That’s an appeal to majority fallacy.

    Fucking dork lmao

    • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Everyone knows there's a big button on the CIA director's desk that says "coup" and they can hit it at any time to instantly overthrow a government

          • Nakoichi [they/them]
            10 months ago

            And yet here we have this dipshit deliberately overlooking it still lol.

              • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                10 months ago

                Hell, no one has dealt with the failures of non-planned economies, they are just called 'market ineffeciences'.

                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  10 months ago

                  "Howling holes in the fabric of society through which millions of souls are dragged screaming into the void every annum" just doesnt have the same sleekness to it

              • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Cybersyn wasn't an attempt at doing full central planning, it was a means of distributing decisionmaking and information gathering about the economy and using a computer system to aggregate and coordinate information across a distributed network. The actual work of figuring out how and what to produce was very much in the hands of humans. Having more computing power now just means better data and better predictions, but Cybersyn was never meant to be a robot central planner. A computer will never be able to do central planning, period. A computer can only help augment and coordinate human decisionmaking.

                Also, all economies are planned.

                  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    You vastly underestimate the amount of central planning that already happens inside of large institutions and organizations. If planning didn’t work, Wal-Mart wouldn’t exist. The question is how you do planning that isn’t based on extracting profit from workers, which is a political problem, not a practical one.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      10 months ago

      This guy is a goldmine of bad takes and deserves to be relentlessly bullied.

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        I called a guy on this once and he legit said "paranoid commie, my birthday is the 8th of september."

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          10 months ago

          It is mental illness to associate nonpolitical numbers, such as in the based epic name Astartes88Imperium, with thinly veiled fascism! very-intelligent

      • CredibleBattery [he/him, comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        his policies are likely to get Argentina's vast lithium resources out there faster

        There it is, the unmasking. We need to rid the world of people like this

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Spineless libs always saying "I don't like x fascist, but they're great for destroying working class movements and that's why we should support x fascist“

      They're so smug about it too.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    10 months ago

    what breed of dog is best for showing this guy he's wrong

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      10 months ago

      idk I tried, but like, the sources refuting everything he said are in the actual video he is responding to. My guess is cryptofascist concern troll.

      • KnilAdlez [none/use name]
        10 months ago

        my advice when dealing with people like that, ask for specific timestamps of information that they feel is incorrect. Either they are forced to watch the video or they will refuse. When that happens just say that you're right because they can't disprove what you're saying, then they get a bunch of downvotes because reddit loves that shit.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Will do that in the future, I just woke up to these comments and couldn't be bothered to try to engage in good faith with a guy opening with "Sure Pinochet was a fascist and murdered a bunch of political opponents and the democratically elected leader of his country that improved the material conditions of the population by leaps and bounds but he was still better than the guy he overthrew."

    • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
      10 months ago

      I would say the Shi Tzu because they are very kind and fluffy and I like them

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    All of the actual murders done by Pinochet are better than the theoretical gommunism vuvulvula. Checkmate. very-intelligent

  • raven [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Maybe I'm becoming a massive boomer here, but where did people get the idea that you can just absorb information and understanding by osmosis or whatever? We have someone in the comments of a documentary incredulous that you would suggest that watch the documentary they're replying to, so they know what they're even talking about??

    Be real with me, is it the TikToks and the twitters melting people's brains or what??

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Man idk I'm pushing 40, when I grew up kids were still taught that wikipedia is not an acceptable source, and at least somewhat inoculated against online misinformation, as the World Wide Web was a very new thing.

      • 🏳️‍⚧️ 新星 [they/she]
        10 months ago

        They still teach not to use Wikipedia (although inoculating against misinformation is impossible when your curriculum is literally misinformation). I don’t think all the hate on Wikipedia is warranted but you still shouldn’t use it as a citation (click on the references, people!)

        • Adkml [he/him]
          10 months ago

          Yea my understanding has always been its not that "Wikipedia isn't a valid source" it's "Wikipedia literally cites all its information, use that" it would be like if you cited "a book" as a reference.

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Be real with me, is it the TikToks and the twitters melting people's brains or what??

      I think it's largely a combination of this and the learned narcissism of living in a post-consensus reality media sphere. You have the normalization of increasingly fast paced stimulus that fucks up your attention span, but they also, being a liberal who talks about politics on the internet, feel the need to have a very confident sounding take who's correctness is secondary in importance, and can be justified post-hoc by whatever shit they can make up and be "pretty sure they read somewhere". It's more a way fir them to shine a spotlight on themselves as the cool contrarian with the real facts. Fortunately, most of these guys are fucking allergic to cool and turn into corncobs pretty quickly when confronted with anyone who knows anything about what they're talking about.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Glad you liked it, and yes I can think of one more person that definitely needs to actually watch the video they are commenting on agony-mescaline