• cum_drinker69 [any]
    4 years ago

    Wow there are some fucking brainlets in the replies, starting with the quote tweet mad that a socialist org won't support "LIBERAL" candidates as if that wouldn't directly be an antithesis to their entire existence. A lot of people buying the democrat argument about pUrItY pOlItiCs (which shouldn't be a shock because they're all liberals) acting like not working with a shithead who defended Rittenhouse and said protestors deserved to be mowed down is on par with Stalinist purges. Fucking useless whining morons yet again.

    Edit: hahahahaha he wanted to do a fucking speech, amazing levels of delusion. You're just some dipshit that plays video games in front of a web cam, get over yourself holy shit.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I like the guy in that twitter thread because he doesn't know who destiny is. His soul hasn't been corrupted yet.

    • less [he/him]
      4 years ago

      starting with the quote tweet mad that a socialist org won’t support “LIBERAL” candidates as if that wouldn’t directly be an antithesis to their entire existence

      They do though.

      MADSA is my local org and literally the only electoral work they do is supporting and working for liberal candidates. They just voted to reverse some previous resolution (which was desperately trying to stop them from shooting themselves in the foot again) and make the runoff election work 100% of their priority right now. The resolution to do that was advocated heavily by someone who did paid work for Warnock I believe. Most (all, if I can recall but I may be missing one) of their endorsed major candidates answered "No" when asked "Would you describe yourself as a socialist?" Multiple members of the organization signed that "we support Biden advocate volunteering for him" letter the other month.

      Their entire leadership changes basically once a year. A while back it was because someone threw a huge tantrum that people wouldn't support Abrams with chapter resources. That person worked for Abrams and endorsed Warren this year. They stirred up fake accusations about a chair and pushed them out of the chapter, and when the accusations were found to be spurious, it was too late to mend things. More recently, their previous chair resigned in a huff and burned bridges with DSA, both proving his liberal bonafides to centrist orgs and also making sure no black organizers wanted to work with the chapter. This goes into detail, but tl;dr is that he was trying to use the chapter as a free resource to help him build a political machine himself. Note that some MADSA members still want to volunteer for his recent attempts at political office.

      The person who wrote that response to him was a chair and also resigned a month or so later. Because a white member asked about the safety of organizing with the RBMC movement in Atlanta, after there was an 8 year old girl who was shot and killed at RBMC a few weeks prior, another high profile member left due to "white members constantly second guessing organizing with black movements". And that chair followed suit and left too.

      About once a month, another member, apropos of nothing obvious, throws a huge tantrum on Slack about how the chapter has a toxic culture and won't support the work they're doing. When asked for details, they refuse to explain or do anything but call for resignation of more chairs. Notice how there are like a dozen or so people saying "SOUNDS ABOUT WHITE" and shit like that in that Twitter thread? Those people pop in all the fucking time to just destroy shit and accuse anyone and everyone of being a white supremacist for pushing back, and everyone just goes with it because they're too scared to speak up.

      It's the most glow in the dark self rat fucking political organization I've ever met. It can't establish itself because the leadership turnover means there's no built up expertise and no real organizing connections to the community. They literally can't stop themselves from trying to starfuck every single elected liberal official who gives them the tiniest bit of attention, and are still eternally shocked at being betrayed by those types.

      I've left the DSA rather than stay around anymore because that chapter is so fucking stupid, after having loved DSA work elsewhere.

      None of this is me weighing in on the Destiny bullshit. The dude who did the response linked above is one of the few good and reliable members of the chapter and was 100% right in all of his responses. Just a point to not take MADSA as anything other than a bunch of chumps as a whole. They're far better than Destiny, but that's an incredibly low bar to clear.