Christmas is a holiday of capitalism, it creates spoiled brats entitled to things they don't deserve. No child deserves an iPhone. I'm thinking about flying a flag off my truck that says "Santa isn't Real" to own the cons.

  • chantox
    11 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • gay [any]
      4 years ago

      Make Christmas a religious holiday again. No more Santa for christians, only Church

  • Pleasure_Hacktivist [doe/deer,hy/hym]
    4 years ago

    This is probably a shitpost but like, in all seriousness, it isn't good to tell children you aren't raising that Santa isn't real because that can start a fight in their family and you have no idea what the home life is like.

    Honestly, if you are raising kids then I'd actually advise explaining to them that Santa is a cultural practice/story. I legitimately do not understand why we are teaching children that kindness needs to come from fictional supernatural sources to be joyous as opposed to teaching them gratitude for gifts they are receiving. Santa also teaches kids that "good" people get more stuff. So families in poverty are left with having to explain why their kids didn't get as much stuff. (Also, if they got gifts from the community then this is a great chance to teach the value of mutual aid)

    We REALLY don't need Santa as a culture but also...many parents aren't the most....dialectical of people...the chance that the PARENTS will pull hysterical antics about how "Christmas is ruined now!!" And pass that onto the child is too damn high. Knowing Santa isn't real won't ruin the holidays but other people's behaviors currently can

    • GruttePier [any]
      4 years ago

      My mom was really upset when she was a child and found out Sinterklaas wasn't real. She didn't like that everyone lied to her so she always told us the truth. Didn't matter though, we still participated in the traditions as if it were real.

      So might as wel not be a dick towards your kids by lying.

  • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    :geordi-no: santa isnt real

    :geordi-yes: santa is real, he died in 343ad, and we celebrate him still

  • gay [any]
    4 years ago

    How bout you mind your own business and stop fantasising about bullying children. They're people too, you know

  • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Lol I had a Christian teacher do this to me when I was 6 so the kids wouldnt think that Jesus isn't real as well when they find out about Santa later in life

    Was real rad having to pretend like I didn't know Santa was fake till I was 12 so my parents got to have fun. Thanks Mrs Whitehurst