Good night libs 😂

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Sorry if I came across as rude or overly harsh. Wasn't my intention. I'm not asking for anyone to get canceled nor was I criticizing her work on the basis of its content. I'm simply skeptical about the long lasting importance of kids going from one set of YouTube personalities to another set. I'm not convinced it impacts much beyond an aesthetic kids might adopt, nor do I believe they will even stick with it in 10 years. Sure, it pierces a bubble and shows them things they've never heard before. My anecdotal evidence suggests that after an initial period of interest, those kids will find something new to latch into, or they fall right back into what they initially watched, or they just become vaguely apolitical, or really anyhhing else. It doesn't stick because what they were initially didn't stick either, because it was always a superficial aesthetic.

    Again, apologies if I seemed rude. Didn't mean to be confrontational in that way. I'm simply skeptical of the deradicalization angle when it comes to what I view as primarily an entertainment product.

    If there's any academic studies on this topic I'd love to see it. I'm going off of personal experience and hunches here. I might also just be a grumpy old person. Watch whatever content you like and I'm happy if you enjoy it or if their work is meaningful. I've enjoyed ContraPoints content in the past and she's pretty funny sometimes.