They call it the most subversive , leftist blockbuster made in the modern era. Are they out of their minds or are they righto? You can only find out via listening.

    • ProfessionalSlacker
      4 years ago

      It is, but in the same kind of recuperated way Avatar is. These movies arent about challenging systems they are about recuperating criticisms of those systems by portraying them as the fault of bad actors. Ragnarok dresses down the conquests of Asgard but Thor is ultimately still a king, just a better king. Iron Man confronts the MIC, even down to them propping up fake foreign threats to sell weapons, but Iron Man still owns a privatized armory working effectively for US interests. Avatar chastises American imperialism, but Jake Sully and Sigourney Weaver's characters are ultimately still colonizers, just more benevolent colonizers. I don't mind praising the relatively good politics of these movies, but it's really fucking rich coming from the Chapos when they detest Marvel movies and the "smoothness" of modern movies when Avatar is the apex of "smooth" mildly intriguing but unchallening and easily digestible popcorn fodder.