The official death toll for Katrina is too low for this list, and as other have pointed out this seems specific to events "on US soil" so obviously Maria is going to get overlooked
Don't know Spanish flu numbers, but Maria deaths were over several weeks and totaled (right now anyway) 3057. Katrina's death toll is usually cited as 1833.
Damn that’s crazy. What about hurricanes Katrina and Maria though? Were those not single day counts? Spanish flu daily total?
The official death toll for Katrina is too low for this list, and as other have pointed out this seems specific to events "on US soil" so obviously Maria is going to get overlooked
Don't know Spanish flu numbers, but Maria deaths were over several weeks and totaled (right now anyway) 3057. Katrina's death toll is usually cited as 1833.
Spanish flu,occurring%20in%20the%20United%20States.
Which probably means full months had deadlier days than this list in the OP