fuck brutalism, fuck suburbia, fuck trad shit, fuck roman shit. all buildings suck. ABAB if you will. i'm not an anprim, im not a building abolitionist, but holy shit why is it so hard to make a building that looks good? like seriously over the 3 fucking billion years humans have been around not a single person was like "hey what if we make a building look actually cool for once instead of just slapping some marble together and putting some big ass glass skylight in and call it good"? fucking pathetic.

edit: i probably should've posted this in /c/copypasta lmao i'm seeing the one downvote and i feel like someone took this seriously

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    It's true but I can't help but love them anyway.

    If it helps a lot of them are in the rust belt and occupied by poor people now.