fuck brutalism, fuck suburbia, fuck trad shit, fuck roman shit. all buildings suck. ABAB if you will. i'm not an anprim, im not a building abolitionist, but holy shit why is it so hard to make a building that looks good? like seriously over the 3 fucking billion years humans have been around not a single person was like "hey what if we make a building look actually cool for once instead of just slapping some marble together and putting some big ass glass skylight in and call it good"? fucking pathetic.

edit: i probably should've posted this in /c/copypasta lmao i'm seeing the one downvote and i feel like someone took this seriously

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I like to think of firmitas and venustas as sublimated into utilitas rather than as opposing forces. You can obv. lean one way or the other depending on the purpose and location of the building. I feel like when they're viewed separately, it's kind of begging for an architect to prioritize their own career or vanity by making something artistic or overbuilt past its actual use. It's good when poor people can get what they need, and it's good when chocolate chip cookie warehouses don't last until the Earth falls into the sun. And there's nothing more oppressive to me than a stupid fucking architect working for a billion dollar company who decides to just grind at the daily lives of people for a century because some dumbshit feature looks really original

    but if you can build sustainably and make it look nice without fucking people over more than a tiny tiny bit, that's great. Maybe youre building more of a monument that doesnt have a lot of use, and the cultural impact is more important than the fact you have to walk in a bit of a circle to go through the thing. Maybe you're building a fallout shelter. those are all uses