• MaximumDestruction [he/him]
    4 years ago

    MaxD's Tips For Successful Supermarket Skullduggery

    It's much easier to shoplift when you go through the check out and make some purchases. Trying to walk around a store and then straight out again without a purchase is suspicious as fuck to the little piggies who work in loss prevention.

    Dress nice or at least not like "the kind of person who shoplifts." Business casual is ideal since it's boring and not going to draw attention while projecting enough of an aura of affluence to avoid the attention of LP.

    Obviously small and expensive is what you want to target: pay for things that are bulky and cheap while pocketing that tasty little bottle of sake or what have you. DO NOT be like my dumbass friend who tried to walk out with a giant loaf of sourdough under his jacket and got shook down for $200 by LP so they wouldn't call the cops.

    If you are targeting something that is often shoplifted like deodorant or baby formula, put it in your basket or cart and only later transfer it when you are in an aisle that attracts less attention like cleaning supplies or something.

    The most important bit of advice is this: stay loose and groovy. For the love of Marx, don't act all sketchy by looking around/checking over your shoulder, that's a sure way to attract unwanted attention. Work on your roleplaying: you are just like any other yuppie in there with no cares about the ever-increasing cost of food and personal hygiene items.

    If at all possible be white or south east asian, the more one looks like the type of person LP is profiling for the more scrutiny you'll receive. Don't think however that this is only possible for those whose appearance is less likely to attract unwanted attention. The most gifted shoplifter I ever knew was a black guy who had a decent job and possessed an abundance of confidence, which is the most important thing for any rogue to possess. What you definitely do not want to have is the opposite of that: an aura of desperation. They can smell it.

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      4 years ago

      something that is often shoplifted like baby formula

      That's depressing.

      • VHS [he/him]
        4 years ago

        it's expensive as hell. when i worked grocery, i often saw an employee scan only 2 cans when someone was buying four.

      • MaximumDestruction [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Super depressing. When I see baby formula under lock and key or in those little plexiglass displays that beep when you open them I remember how much these stores deserve to be robbed blind.