Rules, everyone submits 10 amendments in order of importance, we put those in a datasheet, and we create the chapo constitution.

(if anyone is interested in a modern constitutional convention then please visit /c/hapostan)

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Are we pretending we're amending the current constitution or just writing a new one? I'm going to pretend we're just changing the existing one.

    1. Slavery is prohibited universally.
    2. Material needs (water, food, shelter, healthcare) are inalienable, universal, human rights. Access to these items is also universal and inalienable (nice try Democrats).
    3. Employers and Contractors cannot interfere, prevent, or participate in official labor union business outside of official collective bargaining meetings. Employees, contract workers, and volunteers have a right to form and participate in a labor union.
    4. Cap military budget at the average of the next 10 highest world spenders. Military budget freezes will occur when quality of life metrics decline past a certain threshold. The DoD is getting audited every two years and open to public oversight regardless of national security. The CIA and FBI are hereby disbanded and abolished. In 10 years a new national intelligence agency may be created with no former members, associates of former members, or family of former members.
    5. Income is defined as any gain in wages or wealth. Income shall be capped at $100M. Any income over that amount is to be paid into a public trust that will be held for five years before use. Top marginal tax rates will be tied to economic growth as defined in its relation to quality of life metrics.
    6. Repeal unlawful search/seizure and replace it with the ability to seize private property when violating #5.
    7. Age of the president must be between 35 and 45. Age of members of congress must be between 30 and 40. Age of supreme court members must be between 35 and 45. Presidential terms are five years and not to exceed 2. Congressional terms are 3 years and not to exceed 5. Supreme court appointments are not to exceed 15 years. This way no member of these bodies will ever be above 60.
    8. Voting day is a national holiday. Voting infrastructure is mandated and regulated at a national level. The right to vote is inalienable and universal. The only requirement for voting is registration. No person can be compelled or obligated to work on voting day. .
    9. Voting system changed to be more fair, ie instant-runoff.
    10. No member of government can have worked as a company executive five years before nor five years after they hold office.

    It's not socialism but it would really boost us there a lot faster.