Rules, everyone submits 10 amendments in order of importance, we put those in a datasheet, and we create the chapo constitution.

(if anyone is interested in a modern constitutional convention then please visit /c/hapostan)

    • classistcovenant [none/use name]
      4 years ago
      1. I'm not a traffic scientist
      2. I'm not a liberal
      3. Your recommending a communist thoughts and prayers button, not praxis.
      4. You gonna send them to Auschwitz Adolf?
      5. You gay
      6. Agree completely
      7. No
      8. Also no
      9. I'll bargain with you, everyone gets a free grill from Amazon, hopefully some apartments catch on fire and we destroy a landlord's income
      10. Stop being horny on main.
  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago
    1. Every citizen has the right to decent housing. "Decent housing" shall be defined as housing that is safe, sanitary, and maintained regularly.

    2. Every citizen has the right to adequate healthcare. "Adequate healthcare" shall be defined as the provision of goods or services reasonably calculated to prevent, cure, or lessen suffering of an individual's illnesses and injuries.

    3. Every citizen has the right to adequate food and water. "Adequate food" shall be defined as food of a quantity and quality reasonably calculated to meet an individual's basic nutritional and health needs. "Adequate water" shall be defined as water of a sufficient quantity and quality to meet an individual's basic nutritional, health, cleaning, and cooking needs.

    4. Every citizen of sound mind has the right to own firearms and use them for self-defense, hunting, and sport. "Citizen of sound mind" shall be defined as individuals who do not possess an illness or injury that prevents such individual from using a firearm in a way that causes unreasonable danger to others.

    5. Slavery in any context is to be utterly forbidden. The term "slavery" is to be given the broadest reasonable definition.

    6. No crime or other legal violation is permitted to carry a penalty of death or torture. "Torture" shall be construed to include both physical and mental torture.

    7. Every constituent political unit of the nation has the right to secede from the nation. Constituent political units shall develop their own procedures by which to demonstrate intention to secede. Constituent political units are forbidden from preventing another constituent political unit from seceding.

    8. The nation shall have no military. Constituent political units are responsible for their own military affairs. Constituent political units may form shared military organizations or defensive pacts with one another. In no event will a constituent political unit be compelled to join or remain in such organization or pact. Constituent political units are forbidden from directing military force or the threat of military force at one another.

    9. The nation shall have no legislature. Constituent political units are given full independence to develop their own system of laws. However, in no event may any law or practice of a constituent political unit contradict the requirements of this constitution.

    10. The nation shall have a system of courts constituting of one court per constituent political unit, one appeals court per twenty-five constituent political units, and one appeals court of final authority. The responsibilities of these courts shall be limited to determining whether the action of any entity has violated the requirements of this constitution. Court officials may order any punishment for a violation reasonably calculated to provide restitution to harmed parties and discourage similar violations. Constituent political units must obey an order to punish an entity or be expelled from the nation. In no event shall any punishment involve death or torture. "Torture" shall be construed to include both physical and mental torture.

    Ideally there should also be provisions dealing with how to add additional constituent political units, raise funds for the nation's operations, and define universal terms like "constituent political unit" or "reasonable," but that would require going outside the ten-rule limit.

    • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      So the nation is effectively a bunch of courts (which, who decides who serves on these courts?) deciding on laws from otherwise independent nation-states. I know the challenge is only 10 amendments, but how does this scenario not devolve into the largest independent nation state simply conquering all of it's neighbors and rewriting the constitution as it sees fit?

      • krothotkin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Totally forgot to include judicial selection criteria. I had in mind something representative; judges would be elected rather than appointed, and be limited to single terms.

        Rule 8 does forbid military action against member units, and I intentionally left out any way to modify the constitution, but rules have never stopped people from doing what they want. I think any kind of political system is going to present the risk of change through conquest, though. The risk of one individual unit dominating the nation doesn't seem that different from the risk of a neighboring nation coming in and taking over. The best you can do is try to make units get along and agree to a bare minimum of just treatment for their citizens.

        • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I'll push back - external invasions are entirely different from internal ones. The way this proposal is set up, each individual nation can form their own military (while in the federation) and then secede whenever. The thing stopping, say, Texas from seceding from today's America is partly because they don't have a military (and couldn't nearly put one together to rival the US military). With each state as its own de facto nation, the central government becomes basically meaningless - why listen to an authority that doesn't have any avenue of executing its own laws?

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    We the posters, united against all inequality, do hereby declare a crusade against the Great Satan, Amerikkka.

    We acknowledge these to be the unassailable rights of all humankind:

    1. The right to clean water, food, and shelter.
    2. The right to re-callable representation in matters affecting the world
    3. The right to do as you will, as long as no malicious preventable harm is caused
    4. The right to stop others from causing harm
    5. The right to a civilization that seeks to improve the earth, rather than damage it for profit
    6. The right to a civilization that is primarily concerned with the betterment of all
    7. The right to free education, in all manner of topics
    8. The right to free healthcare, for physical and mental needs.
    9. The right to free, shared community spaces, both indoor and out.
    10. The right to humane and compassionate treatment for even the most reviled.
  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Are we pretending we're amending the current constitution or just writing a new one? I'm going to pretend we're just changing the existing one.

    1. Slavery is prohibited universally.
    2. Material needs (water, food, shelter, healthcare) are inalienable, universal, human rights. Access to these items is also universal and inalienable (nice try Democrats).
    3. Employers and Contractors cannot interfere, prevent, or participate in official labor union business outside of official collective bargaining meetings. Employees, contract workers, and volunteers have a right to form and participate in a labor union.
    4. Cap military budget at the average of the next 10 highest world spenders. Military budget freezes will occur when quality of life metrics decline past a certain threshold. The DoD is getting audited every two years and open to public oversight regardless of national security. The CIA and FBI are hereby disbanded and abolished. In 10 years a new national intelligence agency may be created with no former members, associates of former members, or family of former members.
    5. Income is defined as any gain in wages or wealth. Income shall be capped at $100M. Any income over that amount is to be paid into a public trust that will be held for five years before use. Top marginal tax rates will be tied to economic growth as defined in its relation to quality of life metrics.
    6. Repeal unlawful search/seizure and replace it with the ability to seize private property when violating #5.
    7. Age of the president must be between 35 and 45. Age of members of congress must be between 30 and 40. Age of supreme court members must be between 35 and 45. Presidential terms are five years and not to exceed 2. Congressional terms are 3 years and not to exceed 5. Supreme court appointments are not to exceed 15 years. This way no member of these bodies will ever be above 60.
    8. Voting day is a national holiday. Voting infrastructure is mandated and regulated at a national level. The right to vote is inalienable and universal. The only requirement for voting is registration. No person can be compelled or obligated to work on voting day. .
    9. Voting system changed to be more fair, ie instant-runoff.
    10. No member of government can have worked as a company executive five years before nor five years after they hold office.

    It's not socialism but it would really boost us there a lot faster.

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    4 years ago
    1. Disregard the above amendment

    2. Disregard the above amendment

    3. All domesticated cats found outdoors will be slain

  • classistcovenant [none/use name]
    4 years ago
    1. abolition of private property, everyone gets rationcards, rent is abolished, guns are considered personal property.
    2. legalization of all drugs, drugs and alcohol will be sold at state mandated drug stores, fuck liquor store and pharmaceutical store owners.
    3. military is abolished and replaced with a corvee system starting from age 14 for everyone, would replace schools, the party would be the military
    4. solidification of borders, recognition of Indian territory as sovereign, purto rico, hawaii, alaska, guam, and any other outlying territories will hold a one time referendum as to stay in the union, join another country, or become independent.
    5. state monopoly of all cultural programs, the state will give patronage to artists on the condition all work will be free and publicly available.
    6. complete education reform. all school will be public, we acknowledge that education is one giant day care program.
    7. free health care, we criminalize being a fat fuck.
    8. drastic prison reform, no more prison labor, sex offenders go to different prisons, no death penalty.
    9. we exclude everyone who has ever held public office, been a millionaire, been a cop, soldier, been in a glowie letter agency, been to college, or been to israel from holding any office under this constitution.
    10. in one hundred years this constitution shall be replaced.
  • ElGosso [he/him]
    4 years ago

    1 thru 9 are pigpoopballs and the tenth is a really nice recipe for french toast

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    No particular order and I only got 5 before I ran out of effort:

    1. Military equipment shall be produced by the state or imported. No private contractors shall be permitted. No military action shall be conducted in foreign territory, including airspace, without a formal declaration of war, and no declaration of war may be issued without first passing a national referendum.

    2. Healthcare shall be guaranteed to all residents without charge.

    3. All citizens shall be guaranteed the right to a basic livelihood. The state shall provide programs to equip people with the capital and skills necessary to provide for themselves. At a minimum, the state shall provide the land, resources, and training necessary to establish a farm capable of providing for oneself to any citizen, upon request.

    4. All prisons shall be owned and run by the state. Prisoners who work shall be granted the same protections as other workers, including a minimum wage. The prison population per capita shall be no more than 10% higher than the world average.

    5. The electoral college shall be abolished, and the president shall be elected by a national, ranked-choice vote. Voting day shall be a national holiday. Supreme court justices shall be limited to an 18 year term. The senate shall be abolished and all of its responsibilities shall be taken over by the house of representatives. All districts shall be drawn by algorithm.