
  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    the DNC demanded the technology company, Shadow, build a conversion tool just weeks before the caucuses to allow the DNC to have real-time access to the raw numbers because the national party feared the app would miscalculate results.

    uhhh weird the raw numbers weren't in the initial design but okay

    The DNC’s data system used a different database format than Shadow’s reporting app, which caused multiple problems.

    w...what? How do you fuck that up? Literally 1 round of QA should have revealed those issues

    the conversion tool had coding errors that spit out inaccurate numbers


    The report notes the DNC contributed in part to the delay of the original app, saying the organization “aggressively interjected itself in all of the IDP’s technology endeavors,”

    hey remember that image that circulated on how to stop progress and be a wrecker

    “The DNC has certainly taken the position that there should no longer be caucuses in any state and has imposed requirements that make it even more difficult to carry out caucus,” the report concludes.

    Caucuses are unironically bad, but bernie did exceedingly well at them. that's what this is about.