• Poutine_And_Politics [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Real talk:

    Like, I know it's completely possible to visit North Korea, but literally everything I read about it has the exact same shit going on - about how it's forbidden to ask questions, to walk around outside of the very narrow tour guided segments, about how you run the risk of being detained and tortured for random reasons and shit like that.

    Is there a way to actually visit North Korea without immediately getting on The List and also not as part of one of these tour groups that's likely grifting the fuck out of things? The place fascinates me, but between the outside propaganda and the seemingly only way to visit looking like the biggest possible grifts around, I dunno.

    • Amorphous [any]
      4 years ago

      how it’s forbidden to ask questions

      This is just wrong. There are tour guides who encourage all sorts of questions, and I've talked to people who said it's entirely possible to talk to random citizens in the street occasionally. Just that you need to be mindful that these people could be busy and may not want to talk to random foreigners at the moment. I'm sure it also depends on your particular tour guide. Some are probably less patient with that kind of thing than others.

      about how you run the risk of being detained and tortured for random reasons and shit like that.

      Complete nonsense. You could be imprisoned for doing stupid shit like breaking into employee only areas of the hotel you're staying in and attempting to steal things there, but even if that happened you wouldn't be tortured lol

      Is there a way to actually visit North Korea without immediately getting on The List

      Depends what list you're talking about I guess, but no. No western country is just gonna let you go visit the DPRK without taking note.

      and also not as part of one of these tour groups that’s likely grifting the fuck out of things?

      This is theoretically possible, but it's work. Since the tour groups do all the communication with the government, you'd have to do that part yourself. So you'd need to know the right way to approach a foreign government and ask them permission to come visit.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      4 years ago

      This might answer your question somewhat.
