folks were working together tryna build a way to heaven and god gets all pissed off that people won't need him anymore and destroys the whole thing and makes sure people can't organize against him by making everybody speak different languages.

    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I was thinking about this the other day, and I wish I wrote it down because I can't remember all of it. Like you know how there's that explanation about being an atheist to a religious person? You ask them if they believe in other gods and they say no. Then you tell them that they're atheistic about every other religion but you take it one step further. Well it occurred to me that was a lot like explaining to Liberals why you're a communist. I Just can't fucking remember how I set up the argument.

      Edit: I think I remember. The argument was against Progressives. Progressives don't believe in unrestrained capitalism. So they understand being critical of capitalism and not accepting it as an economic system. Leftist take it one step further and just don't believe in capitalism at all. So it's not like the idea of not trusting capitalism is foreign to them, they just don't follow the logic far enough. The same way Christians realize that religions are wrong but they don't go far enough to include their religion. Something like that anyways. Probably not very insightful or helpful lol.

    • AStonedApe [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Idk, it's hard for me to look at 1st century Christianity and not get massive communism vibes. I favor liberation of religions instead of their destruction.