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  • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    AOC's capture is strumming along swimmingly. Libs are warming up to her with the idpol "they hated her because she's a woman" card. Now we have the same old reformist bullshit we've seen across continents. I'm sure some on the left are still on the "power levels" cope.

    The thing about being a prominent leftist is that it's always going to be rough as fuck, possibly to the point where you have to put your life on the line. AOC herself said how difficult it was dealing with a congress that was clearly hostile to her, when she first came in. I can't imagine what type of mental toll it took on her, and considering the amount of vitriol she receives from the right, she probably felt she had to make some inroads with the likes of Pelosi. Of course, once you've taken a dosage of such strong liberalism, you're always in danger of succumbing completely.

    To me, AOC is just another in a long line of jokes about the system. It just shows how much of a dog and pony show electoralism is. At some point all these people who support AOC need to recognize that and just stop pressing her because it's useless. She will just fall into the same ideology as the rest. The people on the other hand need to work towards something more tangible.

    I mean we have a non-zero chance that this congress could fail to pass a relief bill before the next admin comes in, and the most prominent and visible "left leaning" figures go on social media and television and defend the very same people that are so morally bankrupt that they don't see the urgency in pushing along aid for tens of millions of people that will be out of work, out of benefits, and out of a roof come the last week of December. What could make anyone think that this is how the left will win?

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Electoralism isn't useless, you have to observe Kshama Sawant to understand the ways in which electoralism in the US context can be immensely valuable though, as the squad is clearly not enough.

      I do still believe that the squad is necessary as you do need some number of liberal socialists operating within the democratic party to get things done, but you also need democratic centralist third parties that are accountable to the most radical elements to push that democratic liberal socialist faction into holding a farther left political line even if their policy line is already good.