go play that game instead, similar themes and doesn't shit itself every 5 minutes

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    All this talk of 2077 makes me want to go play Deus Ex HR again. It pretty much nailed the cyberpunk stuff and a city that was designed to be manageable. Rather than trying to do a full open world, you just have an open hub/spoke levels. That way it's easier to fill it up with stuff to do rather than leaving most of it empty. Other than the racist caricature of a houseless black woman, it was good. Even MD, having its problems with development and cut content, was pretty decent on Prague.

    I tried playing The Witcher 2 and didn't really like it at all. But it sounds like CDPR chose the wrong format for 2077. Sounds like it should have been a hub/spoke setup rather than fully open. They were probably pushed into it because they were tooled for open world and that's such a hot design format these days. They'll probably fix it. That seems to be a tactic in dev these days. Make wild promises build up initial sales, disappoint the shit out of the fans, release free updates to get it playable, then the fans will love you anyways. Then add paid DLC to finish fleshing out the game. You make more money and the emotional roller-coaster of consumers builds engagement. While they're shitting on your game, they're still talking about it. They're still keeping at the center of gaming discussion. So that leads people to believe the game must be important culturally. Fucking capitalism dude.

      • shitstorm [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah I've pretty much fallen out of love with open world games (other than Breath of the Wild) because it's simply too demanding to make it great. Fallout New Vegas has so much to do, but you can't make FNV in 2020. People demand high tier graphics, great gunplay, big beautiful landscapes from modern AAA games. So actually filling these high-pixel count worlds with stuff to do is the first thing that get's cut from.

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        4 years ago

        With exceptions for the rare open-world game where the world itself is basically the star. e.g. Breath of the Wild wouldn't have been nearly as good if it wasn't an open world

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          4 years ago

          CDPR pulled it off with Witcher 3 too. That was one of those rare open world games where I rarely used fast travel (until I was filling in the map at the end).

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      I never actualy finished DEHR, but playing 2077 gave me the urge to fire it up again too