Chickens are obviously the best pet, they:

  1. Poop free eggs

  2. Eat your leftover vegetables

  3. Poop free fertiliser for your garden

  4. Are good alarm clocks

  5. Make hilarious sounds

  6. Are stupid looking

  7. G*mers get their own real life Chocobos

Chickens used to be a staple of the home during the great depression. Most working-class people from the silent generation had chickens to give them free eggs. Chickens are the pet of the proletariat.

The entire reason the rich don't want you to be able to afford a house with a backyard is that they don't want you to figure out how awesome having chickens is.

  • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Yes but that's not the reason why. It's not really that I hate sheep as much as that I hate dealing with them and have a lot of memories being annoyed by them. My grandpa raises sheep and so I have spent a lot of time working with them and they are mean and I always kinda ended up with the worst jobs. The sheep my grandpa raises are for meat not for wool, though you still have to shear and get rid of excess wool. That means they're really big, a bit over 200 lbs for the ewes and around 350 for the rams. Sheep will do mean things like pinch you with their feet, the rams when mating will charge you and all that but they're also gross animals. I've faceplanted in sheep shit more times then I can count as a child. They're skittish I've had to herd them around places and it's a pain in the ass. you have to shear them (they need to be sheared bc they don't lose their coat ever so it just builds up and gets gross and hot and can give them sores and stuff) annually which is always a process and a half which meant I had to give up weekends as a kid to go do farm work, and I always end up with shitty jobs. Plus it always meant either the winter or summer when I would go which meant below freezing or above 100F. Some examples of jobs I did are:

    -putting in fence posts, which means hauling railroad ties which are heavy and you can only really do one at a time, digging up a fence post, which is an old rail tie, saving the nails bc you reuse those, putting the new one in, and nailing it in. Repeat for like 4 hours in either of the weathers mentioned.

    -assisting in the shearing and washing of sheep, which sheep are gross, so that's not fun. basically you will get stepped on and probably peed/pooped on at least once.

    -moving water pipes. huge pain in the ass. you take the heavy ass pipe, disconnect one end, slowly lift it so it can drain without snapping in half, which you have to lift it slow so it takes forever to do each pipe. move it to the new place and connect it to the new pipe. repeat x 25

    -By far the worst job which I always ended up with which this is the worst one was being in a wool bag while they stuff it with wool, which we always did in the summer. Picture this: it's a hundred degrees out, you're wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt, they put up a contraption that looks like two ladders with a burlap sack in the middle that's hanging off the ground. Found a random pic of one online. the wool entering these bags is not clean, oh no it is covered in shit and piss. My job was to be in the bag so I could stuff the wool in tighter. Hope you're not claustrophobic because this means I'm in the bag with this nasty wool pushed in over my head and then I pull it down and tuck it into the sides. so to sum this up 100+ degrees in a burlap sack filled with wool wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. It gets really warm in there and also stinks bc heat + poop + pee. It gets all in your hair too. One nice thing is the lanolin in the wool made my shoes come out shined and water resistant so that was like the one bonus

    Now contrast this to cows, cows are nice, they don't require you to do all this extra work and calfs are way cuter than lambs