With the membership approaching 100k, and with the structure of the organization being democratic and up for revision given a strong enough push from the internal caucuses, why are there still unaffiliated american socialists?
 I think the predominate view on this website is that DSA is a monolithic organization that is simply full of radlibs and social democrats or democratic socialists, however the richness of the caucuses and the amount of local marxist caucuses which are attempting to reform the DSA is in my opinion largely ignored here.
 The Democratic Socialists of America is *our* organization as socialists of america and if you critique it without affiliating yourself and without acting to change it, than what are you truly doing? It is definitely one of the twelve types of liberalism for you criticize in private but not to the collective itself. Problems you have with the DSA from your critical perspective should be brought up every month at your local general meeting. Critique from outside the organization, as if you were not a socialist, is not going to affect change. 

tl;dr: as a chapo who didn’t join DSA for years bc of the stigma here calling them radlibs, i ask of you, why are you seriously not in the DSA. for if you don’t like it, then join and act in the oppositional caucuses; and if you do like it but just haven’t joined, then come on comrade follow suit.

edit: This struggle session has been quite bountiful I will say. We have learned that there are three instances in the DSA's constitution that allow for (1) the expulsion of members that are under the discipline of democratic-centralist organizations (2) local charters will be revoked if the majority of members become under the discipline of democratic-centralism and that (3) local youth charters will be revoked if majority of members become. dem-cent.

    • Elohim [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Why do you hold conferences with pro-regime change speakers and funding from the NED?

        • Elohim [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          PSL isn’t cringe. Join them instead and stop being a DSA chauvinist

          • mrbigcheese [he/him]
            4 years ago

            lol i didnt even talk about my ideologies do you even know what the word chauvinist means?

            • Elohim [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              I’m talking about social-chauvinists as Lenin described them. Social reformist nationalists and imperialists. Socialism for me, imperialism and colonialism for thee. The lack of international proletarian solidarity in favor of opportunistic short—term reforms. The tendency that makes up DSA at its very core.

              • mrbigcheese [he/him]
                4 years ago

                There's people with different ideologies in dsa you understand that right? Calling someone a chauvinist without knowing their beliefs is incoherent.

                • Elohim [comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Doesn’t matter, the DSA is not a dem cent organization so it’s composition is not that relevant. What’s relevant is it’s actions and leadership, both of which are social-chauvinist, anti-communist and imperialist. They are NED funded, literal feds.

                  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Not being a dem cent org means its composition IS what is relevant, jfc the "leadership" is appointed by the constituency, theres several literal communists on the NPC. Please learn about the real world and the things around you stop living vicariously through online memes. This kind of childish online shit i wont ever take seriously, you people need to log off more.

                    • Elohim [comrade/them]
                      4 years ago

                      Membership composition matters when the organization is not democratic? 🤔

                      Why are you NED funded? Why do you have pro-regime change speakers at official DSA conferences invited to speak by the DSA to speak to its impressionable audience of radlibs? 🤔

                      Why do you keep defending this? 🤔

                      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        DSA is not democratic? you literally dont even know how the org works. That article speaks about one person affiliated with one branch of DSA lol this is so stupid, grow up with this shit. I don't defend any shitty thing DSA does, theres continual change pushed in the org. Learn about the things you're outraged about.

                        • Elohim [comrade/them]
                          4 years ago

                          No they are not dem cent

                          Jacobin magazine’s owner and all of the leadership of the DSA are all in the tank with NED funding and imperialism. All of them. Why are you trying to salvage this piece of shit that’s just as bad and just as anti-communist as the Democratic Party?

                            • Elohim [comrade/them]
                              4 years ago

                              It’s naive radlibs and social chauvinists like you that fill /r/PCM and leftoid subreddits. Stop projecting your cringe into others

                            • Elohim [comrade/them]
                              4 years ago

                              Leaders: all literally take NED funding and push pro-American lines

                              You: wow way to connect dots that aren’t there you loony lefty!!

                              • mrbigcheese [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                this is deranged lol which leaders are you referring to? the npc? you literally havent even read the entire article you linked have you?

                      • Pezevenk [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        I don't think you understand what democratic centralism means. Emphasis on the CENTRALISM part. The DSA isn't undemocratic, it is not CENTRALIST. Which is not necessarily always a good thing but it may be, for now, and it also means that the composition absolutely does matter because there is hardly a strong central direction, and there is a LOT of wiggle room. Like, literally the article you posted brings this up.