11.1 million (Out of about 14 million) to be more exact. Almost 80% of all their videos.

Isn’t my main porn site personally, but still pretty lame that all that amateur stuff is gone. Looks like it’s heading the way of Tumblr.

Just a reminder that Pornhub is worth nearly 3 billion dollars and easily could've afforded as big of a moderation team as they could've wanted lol.

Edit: Alright, this got dumber than I thought it would, so I'm leaving off with this:

I can't believe I have to say this, but it does not make someone a rapist or a pedophile to suggest that a multibillion dollar company, one responsible for a site where the public can upload things to it, can afford to have a moderation team.

Literally every site that allows public uploads. porn or otherwise, runs the risk of someone uploading something fucked up to it, that's why moderation teams exist in the first place. To find and remove such content.

Yes, it sucks ass that those mods would have to even glance at such things, but Pornhub is not some crazy unique special case here. Mods everywhere have to see fucked up shit before it can be removed to protect others.

Rule-breaking content has to verified that it is, indeed, breaking the rules. That's how moderation works.

I apologize for nothing.


  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's never, ever going to work like that. I'm sorry you can't jerk off to rape victims and people of questionable age. The second I saw what looked like a 14/15 year old being forcibly penetrated by a hairy balding creep, reported it and saw that it remained up for at least a day after, I never visited pornhub again. It was probably still up until now. The fact that you're willing to risk these videos falling through the cracks so you can have more jerk off material is fucking gross.

          • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
            4 years ago

            So you can know with certainty that an unverified video uploaded by some random doesn't involve coercion? How? How do you know nobody was forced to make it? Idk if you know this but victims of sex trafficking often pretend to enjoy their "work", and presumably can be very convincing.

            • htz [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Verified accounts don't really solve that, either, even if they do cut down on the potential for it to happen. GirlsDoPorn was verified. The actual porn industry has plenty of fucked up stories of coercion and they're still able to post.

              It's a good move though kind of sad that the decision ultimately had nothing to do with the problematic content, and everything to do with money. All in all, it's just one website...there's a bunch of other tubesites with even less moderation than PornHub and this problem isn't going away any time soon.

              Granted, I personally stopped bothering with visiting Pornhub when the whole verified account thing came around in the first place and half the content became 90 second ads for major studios, or 'verified amateur' accounts posting "My Step Mom/Dad/Brother/Sister caught me masturbating and fucked me!!!" videos en masse.