On one hand chapos are very horny on main and very sex positive despite not having it, but on the other hand the volcel police send horny chapos off to horny jail and porn is exploitive.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    very horny on main and very sex positive despite not having it

    It me.

    I was raised Catholic so I developed mental antibodies against people trying to make me feel guilty for being horny. To me, the only coherent framework when it comes to sex is "Just try not to cause harm," and I really don't see how I'm causing anybody harm by wanking. Like, worst-case scenario and I jerk it to revenge porn without knowing, I'm gonna forget their face in a matter of hours and even if I recognized them I wouldn't treat them differently. From their perspective the only change is that a view count goes up by one. I can definitely understand not wanting it out there, and it shouldn't be out there, but I'm not the one putting it out there or hosting it. It just seems to me that there's an undercurrent of sexual purity that makes people more passionate about it and imo the entire concept of sexual purity is stupid and reactionary.

    I just feel like the dialogue ought to be more like, "What if instead you jerked it to this more ethical source?" as opposed to "If you do this you're a bad person and should feel bad." I mean, if you think you can make me feel guilty where the Catholic Church failed, then you're welcome to try.

    • classistcovenant [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      This argument is a lot like the "are you a bad person for having an iphone" argument. Yes, you are a bad person and you should feel bad. eat leaves and berries, return to monkey.