• QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Cuomo has been outed as a rapist

    didn't he also say the n-word on tv a few days ago?

    Edit: he did

    "They used an expression, that Southern Italians were called, I believe they were saying Southern Italian Sicilians, were called quote on quote, and pardon my language, but I'm just quoting the Times, 'n***** wops,' 'n-word wops,' as a derogatory comment," he said.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      He did, but the liberal mainstream media don't care cause he's not the orange man. They'll sweep that one under the rug.

        • OhWell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Good question. Corruption in our political landscape has been normalized since the Clinton years. There was a lot of corruption all through the Reagan era, but when Clinton came in, it became more normalized and seen as a normal thing that both parties do. We literally just elected a man to president who has bragged openly about taking money from corporate lobbyists and how it's not all that bad.

          • QuillQuote [they/them]
            4 years ago

            Thanks for the answer but it was more exasperation than lack of understanding