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  • Poutine_And_Politics [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's almost exactly a George Lucas scenario where she started writing Fantastic Beasts and was never told "no" so instead of a coherent plot and extended storyline we get uh, one movie about this rando going to New York to find a monster, and one movie about Wizard Hitler wanting to kill all non-wizards so the Holocaust and the atom bombs/cold war never happen while also having this weird like, three way whodunnit about a baby? Fantastic Beasts 2 was a fucken trip.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Lucas didn't have anyone telling him 'no' when it came to the prequels. He successfully got rid of every single person that ever challenged him and stood up to him back in the days of the original trilogy. Spielberg was brought in to help with ROTS only after it became clear that the first two prequel movies were disasters.