This is fucking heart-breaking. This system steals our finite time on this earth from us. We never get to spend it doing what we want to do, only what will make shareholders wealthier. And then it shames us so fucking hard for not dedicating every waking moment of it to wage work, that we start hating ourselves for having passions.
We're so fucking brainwashed by this system that we hate ourselves for not having time or energy outside of 40+ hours of coerced wage work, instead of hating the people coercing us to do their wage work.
How many fucking great works of art have been lost to oblivion because their potential creator never escaped a sweat shop or a cash register? How many Mozarts have died without ever even touching a musical instrument because they didn't have a rich daddy?
This pretty much says everything that needs to be said about this.
I hate this so fucking much.