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  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    twitter because it's harder to find actually useful information, and people will retweet anything without bothering to see if it's true or not. twitter is all about getting retweets by having the hottest take and it's hard to have an actual conversation. the same thing happens on reddit too where people post tweets or facebook posts without seeing if they're true or not, and people will post things just for upvotes, but at least there's communities where you can talk with people and get help or resources for hobbies and projects. i know there's terrible parts of reddit but i never see that when I'm looking at the plant subreddits lol

    • ian [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      This is how I feel. I open up twitter and my day is immediately ruined. I open up reddit and I see bisexual pride stuff and plants and analogue photography. Twitter forces me to see stuff I actively try to avoid, at least with reddit there's some amount of control.

      It's still fuck both of em though

      • charles_xcx [he/him]
        4 years ago

        for sure, I'm definitely not saying that reddit is "good" just less bad lol. the only time I ever use it now is when I have a specific thing I'm looking for

        • ian [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Same here. Once the chapo sub was banned I nuked my account and started fresh with one that basically subscribes to like 6 subs which are all just niche interests that have the strongest communities online for the stuff I like looking at. Aside from that I haven't actively browsed it in months.