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  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The plus side of twitter is that it encourages shitty politicians and celebrities to forget their filters and say career-ruining shit on it. Or at least it used to ruin a lot of terrible careers, the bar is pretty fucking low now

    The minus side of twitter is that it's a fucking mess, and half of the replies to any comment seem to be these shitty reaction gifs that radiate smugness and make me want to stab them through the screen. If I used twitter beyond vaguely looking at bullshit drama posted on chapo, this would 100% drive me to murder.

    Reddit is fucking awful in any of the big communities, but a lot of the niche ones are generally pretty good. But even there you'll sometimes come across some weird comments, and if you check their history you will pretty much 100% come across some horrifyingly mask off ethnostate shit posted in /r/WholesomeCleanLivingNazis or some shit and of course the worst place on the entire internet, r/politicalcompassmemes

  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    twitter because it's harder to find actually useful information, and people will retweet anything without bothering to see if it's true or not. twitter is all about getting retweets by having the hottest take and it's hard to have an actual conversation. the same thing happens on reddit too where people post tweets or facebook posts without seeing if they're true or not, and people will post things just for upvotes, but at least there's communities where you can talk with people and get help or resources for hobbies and projects. i know there's terrible parts of reddit but i never see that when I'm looking at the plant subreddits lol

    • ian [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      This is how I feel. I open up twitter and my day is immediately ruined. I open up reddit and I see bisexual pride stuff and plants and analogue photography. Twitter forces me to see stuff I actively try to avoid, at least with reddit there's some amount of control.

      It's still fuck both of em though

      • charles_xcx [he/him]
        4 years ago

        for sure, I'm definitely not saying that reddit is "good" just less bad lol. the only time I ever use it now is when I have a specific thing I'm looking for

        • ian [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Same here. Once the chapo sub was banned I nuked my account and started fresh with one that basically subscribes to like 6 subs which are all just niche interests that have the strongest communities online for the stuff I like looking at. Aside from that I haven't actively browsed it in months.

  • VHS [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I haven't used twitter so I can't say objectively. But the """culture""" on reddit pisses me off. The awards, the canned responses, the extreme smugness.

  • bananon [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Twitter is uniquely bad because of how they calculate impressions on comments. Replies have more weight than likes, so the shittiest takes constantly make it to the top. A comment with no likes but 100 replies will easily beat a comment with thousands of likes. It’s like sorting by controversial on Reddit but for everything.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I'm going to have to go with reddit because at least South African twitter isn't racist af if you avoid the obvious white supremacists and liberals. Meanwhile South African reddit might as well be the fourth reich

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Twitter is better because chuds and libs make it so easy for them to dunk on. While this is true for both sites, my ADHD makes me prefer Twitter because I have to keep the character count low lmao

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Reddit just feels too easily gamed. Twitter at least feels a bit more authentic in terms of content and the actual niches, or subcultures or whatever you wanna call it. Reddit feels like a massive amount of people who all just try to say and do stuff that gets the approval of the masses. Like how many people just say the same comment that is popular at that particular time.

    You could blame the karma system for people wanting to repost shit or get a highly updated comment so they do the usual meme comment. But it all gets so repetitive, its a bit sadder in a way cause of how faceless it all feels. it's a shitty way to do social media if your only desire is interactions. I like a few subs still, and I can talk a lot of shit about how Twitter is some of the same exact shit, they are both bad in their own and similar ways.

    • KurdKobein [any]
      4 years ago

      I dunno. I'd take that over people trying to one up each other over who's takes are the hottest and general clout chasing.

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's fair too, I feel it, that shit is whack. It took me awhile to find dope people to follow and just riff with, fuck all that clout shit. You can find subs doing similar too, its not a unique thing, but I just can't stand how many g*mers are constantly commenting on everything on reddit that I end up seeing, since it's less curated in a sense.

        • KurdKobein [any]
          4 years ago

          It took me awhile to find dope people to follow and just riff with, fuck all that clout shit

          I guess I'm weak but I've always ended up engaging with the stupidest slap fight of the day when I was on twitter. The siren call of drama is way too powerful.

          You can use twitter responsibly, but it's no secret that every element of the platform is tweaked to maximize engagement.

          • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Absolutely, I use to do the same on reddit too, also fruitless and a waste of time and brain cells. One other really good thing about Twitter is the muted words option. Like if I see some discourse I don't give a fuck about i just mute the keywords and carry on. I try to not get sucked into the really bad shit, but I still drive by threads to drop a :PIGPOOPBALLS: if i think it warrants it but I also mute threads often if someone is chomping at the bit to rage online and it's not funny