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  • CoralMarks [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I always like this quote from Rosa when it comes to Kautsky and his ilk:

    "It is especially astonishing to observe how this industrious man (Kautsky), by his tireless labor of peaceful and methodical writing during the four years of the World War, has torn one hole after another in the fabric of socialism. It is a labor from which socialism emerges riddled like a sieve, without a whole spot left in it."
    "The party of Lenin was the only one which grasped the mandate and duty of a truly revolutionary party and which, by the slogan – “All power in the hands of the proletariat and peasantry” – insured the continued development of the revolution.
    Thereby the Bolsheviks solved the famous problem of “winning a majority of the people,” which problem has ever weighed on the German Social-Democracy like a nightmare. As bred-in-the-bone disciples of parliamentary cretinism, these German Social-Democrats have sought to apply to revolutions the home-made wisdom of the parliamentary nursery: in order to carry anything, you must first have a majority. The same, they say, applies to a revolution: first let’s become a “majority.” The true dialectic of revolutions, however, stands this wisdom of parliamentary moles on its head: not through a majority, but through revolutionary tactics to a majority – that’s the way the road runs."

  • fishnwhistle420 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I hear the name all the time and have no idea who this “vaush” is and I’m determined to never find out

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    “Haha Tacoma is weepin-”


    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    “Lol he said the n-word in a stream and-”


    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    “lmao remember when he defended pedophilia by saying it wasn’t any more exploitative than making laptops-”


    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    Making a post demanding others stop Vaushposting, and then realizing that you yourself have now Vaushposted


    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    Very cool chapter, thanks.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Folks, what we did in 1917–the Revolution we call it, with a capital R–it’s never been done before. So many big beautiful red flags, you couldn’t even–now that, folks, that’s a flag we stand up for, we don’t kneel for our terrific red flag–and you couldn’t even see the Winter Palace. You know the Mensheviks, and Renegade Kautsky, they said we couldn’t do it! They said, “Oh, Vlad, the material conditions are bad, we have to have a bourgeois republic to develop the forces of production.” You know what that means, right? Semi-feudal economy! Well, look at where we are now, Julius. We are going to develop the forces of production so fast it’ll make your head spin. We are going to do in a generation what it took them many, many years to do. We’re bringing back bread, folks! And not just bread, but peace too–and you know, the Left-SRs, they’re very nasty to me about Brest-Litovsk, they say I make bad deals with the Germans, even though, nobody does treaties better than me, and the Germans are tough, but when they deal with me they know my reputation, they know I make the best deals, and you know, many people in Germany, they say they want Lenin too! Little pickelhaub man is scared, because he knows that we have built an incredible movement, and we are gonna have world revolution, the biggest revolution anyone has ever had. But, still, you know, the fake bourgeois media, the white guards, they say “He colluded with the Germans, he got on the train, did this did that”–and they’re just crazed. They are really crazed. Right. And we can’t just let that happen, because there’s nothing to do with Germany, nothing at all. Total witch hunt. Very unfair.