I’m not trolling. I’m bored and want to debate something I’ve read a lot of books about
Just watch a Jordan Peterson video. He recommends them in every lecture. It really be good for you to get an outside perspective
Trying too hard, the bit is falling apart. Ease up, can't drop Peterson and Gulag Archipelago back to back like this
Funny, in his debate with Zizek it became glaringly obvious that he hadn't read any communist theory
Books are for nerds. Round here we just inject communism straight into our veins.
What the fuck. He almost died and you’re here making fun of him
the rest of the world means communist when they say libertarian
in the us it means liberal
Wow. Let’s just not even believe people about their own beliefs. Because that doesn’t lead to us dismissing terrorists or anything
lol there are plenty of reasons a person would be wrong about their own beliefs. they could actively lie, they could be misinformed, they could be misspeaking. you're in the second group.
They don’t teach you this stuff in public school. I had to read The Gulag Archipelago to understand it
They make up the reasons after they kill you. It’s like fascism. The inner circle constantly shrinks until there’s no one left
Then how come there's tons of shit tier content from people who all mysteriously have the word agorist in their name
I had more but the banned accounts got hard to juggle and I lost the thread. I’ll try harder next time
Absolute hero move tbh, this is one of the best threads we've had lately
I've missed this, can we get more of these please? Always good for a laugh
Also @OP the only thing Stalin did wrong was stopping at Berlin
I'm afraid you need to present your penis for volcel inspection, please post photos accordingly