Please can we make this a MOTD banner text?

    10 months ago

    Wow! Very cool data! Judging by these numbers I was probably more like 18-20% fat at my lowest. Humans are fattier than I've been taught!

    Of course, this gives us the classic problem of having to stick with a flawed technique thanks to years of data and advice built up around it, or update your formulas and adjust the old data to better reflect reality. Fun stuff either way. Thanks for the articles!

    • notceps [he/him]
      10 months ago

      I think what people sometimes forget is that our brains and our bone marrow is almost entirely fat and makes up around 5-6% of our body, but this again is just a bit the problem some will be able to do measurements that are closer to a DEXA and some will have one that's further away. It's a good tool for measuring change in bf% but yeah depending where and how often people pinch you'll have variance and almost always it'll get undercounted because you can't pinch brain matter or marrow.