Please can we make this a MOTD banner text?

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    10 months ago

    As my gf says, I wanted you because you're all man

    Lmao said no woman ever

    Don't ask me what I identify as

    But he also says

    Don't call me cis. I don't identify as cis

    Top genius here

    • posthexbearposting [they/them]
      10 months ago

      I hate guessing.

      Don't ask me what I identify as

      I try to accommodate everyone.

      I have a client who goes by they. I see I don’t do they.

    • kristina [she/her]
      10 months ago

      As my gf says, I wanted you because you're all man

      i literally didnt even read this, my brain skipped over it to protect itself from cringe

  • judgeholden
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
      10 months ago

      My height is my most attractive physical feature, you best believe I'm telling everyone

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      10 months ago

      Wouldn't exceptionally tall people also get tired of hearing about it all the time or standing out that much?

      • CatoPosting [comrade/them, he/him]
        10 months ago

        I knew a ridiculously tall guy once, like 6'8" I believe. He was black but non-athletic and so traumatized from people trying to get him to play basketball his whole life that he constantly moved huddled over, like bowed head and shoulders rolled forward, to look as small as possible. It was pretty sad.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          10 months ago

          I knew a tall guy that was really confident but stood like this all the time and he said it's because he can't hear people talking at normal volume without hunching down.

          • fox [comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            I'm very tall. That's part of it, but also you kind of just default into a hunch if you're not actively doing back exercises.

      • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
        10 months ago

        I know a very tall guy about 6’11 or 210cm and he constantly complained about back and knee pain and having to switch jobs due to his health. He is 22 and he became a cop lol

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          10 months ago

          oof ouch owie chronic occupational pain at 21, time to hit up the donut shop and spend all day reclining in a ford explorer

  • S4ck [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    We don't know what you look like bud. You're on the internet.

  • BabaIsPissed [he/him]
    10 months ago

    People complaining about being called cis will never stop being funny. This fear of being seen as anything but "normal" is literal middle schooler shit, embarrassing.

    • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      If you'd humor me for a paragraph of soapboxing:

      I call the whole discourse "fellas, is it gay to drink pink lemonade?" Like if I were to ever write a book on the topic that's the title. It's incredibly freeing to not sweat whether I'm going to be perceived as queer for doing something I like. I can dress how I please. I don't need to get my gender affirmation from an outside source. If you can accept that gender is something you self-identify, then you don't need your girlfriend to tell you that you're a man nor randos who come up to you. If they leave then you're still a man. If you were 5'2 and undesirable - even if you were a piece of shit and didn't know it you can still be a man. He can be more attractive than me and more worldly successful, but I'll still feel bad for him for grasping at frivolity to justify why he has some hang up about the term cis. "I act like a man" probably comes with plenty of trauma, frustration, and pain for him and the people around him.

      • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
        10 months ago

        . It's incredibly freeing to not sweat whether I'm going to be perceived as queer for doing something I like.

        I've never been super concerned with how people see me but over the past couple years I really stopped giving a shit and it's great. I paint my nails, wear dresses, leave my long curly hair down (and still have a goaty, rather deep voice and traditional masc frame.) I refuse to call any of those things fem because I like them and I'm not fem therefore they must be gender neutral.

        Side benefit is my wife has some really comfy cloths and some of them fit me so now I can steal her stuff too.

  • notceps [he/him]
    10 months ago

    10% bf

    He's lying, I can already see the dialog tree:

    No I haven't done a DEXA

    No I don't actually work out anymore but I used to do high school wrestling and the coach there told me I was 6% bf and I'm a bit chubbier now so 10% seems right.

    What do you mean I've been lied to?

    As I said I go to the gym, I'm not a cardiobunny.

    Why do you want to know how much I squat?

    Why do you say that I don't lift?

    Why do you want to know these things I'm a manly man not a soyboy cuck beta like you. frothingfash

    • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
      10 months ago

      He might be in decent shape but yeah, that 10% body fat is almost certainly nonsense. I'm 6'1 and work hard to be part of the swoletariat around 200 lbs. and probably somewhere close to the 15% bodyfat range if I had guesstimate.

      225 at 6'2" and 10% bf is almost literally Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger. He's either an active competition level bodybuilder juiced to the gills or he's full of shit.

      • Maoo [none/use name]
        10 months ago

        I knew someone who cared a lot about bf snd got down to 5%.

        It did not look healthy. Mostly dehydrated.

        • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
          10 months ago

          It's definitionally not healthy. I've been sub 10% body fat as part of a personal goal/experiment before and it's pretty fucking awful and totally unsustainable. 10-15% is maintainable for most people and you still have visible definition....but when you'e talking about stage ready bodybuilders or even some more modern shirtless scenes in movies it should always be stressed: they've literally starved themselves in preparation for this brief few minutes/hour long window. Absolutely nobody in the world looks like 24/7 365. It simply isn't possible even with drugs and even if it were nobody would want to live that way

          • notceps [he/him]
            10 months ago

            The thing is if you are at that amount of bf% you know it because of how miserable you are and there's no "yeah man I'm about 10% bf" it's all high school wrasslin bullshit. Which is why I'd literally just ask them if they pulled it out of their ass or if they did a DEXA

              10 months ago

              I dunno what a DEXA is, but when I certified for wrestling the athletic trainer was purposely generous with their measurements and I came in at 10% body fat. This was after cutting 15 pounds of fat and when I started I had a six pack. Those last few pounds were a miserable time.

              So anyway, what's the point of this story? If I had to guess, my comfortable floor is probably 10% body fat. I was probably a bit lower when I certified and miserable because of it. When I was probably around 15% body fat I looked great.

              Anyway if you actually know your body fat percentage you're either a wrestler or have an unhealthy obsession. Hell if know what I am now, I've lost loads of muscle and gained a little fat. You can still see a few abs, but I don't have the full six pack anymore.

              • notceps [he/him]
                10 months ago

                DEXA is basically an X-ray of your body, high school wrestling is notorious for giving people the impression that they are at a way lower bf% than they actually are which leads to people saying "yeah I was at 10% bodyfat when I did wrestling because my coach said so", at that percentage doing actual wrestling would've seriously impacted your performance it's generally just not where most athlete wants to be even endurance athletes like Ironman runners and triathletes will be around 12% bf

                  10 months ago

                  Ah. I'd love to see some data on the DEXA vs the pinch test. We certified at the beginning of the year and were forbidden from going below 7% based on those numbers, but I don't know of anyone who actually bumped up against that limit, even with the deflated numbers (according to you, anyway). The bottom of my cut was absolutely no fun, and I refused to wrestle that low in part because of that. I had to flex my legs a few times before getting out of a chair or I'd get light headed.

                  I don't really care what the real number is, so long as we're all working from the same methods and data and the advice is being given based off those methods. Ultra low body fat isn't something to be proud of any more than ultra high body fat or extra "perfect."

                  • notceps [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    Sure here you go, if I remember it right they used a 5 pinch test instead of the more normal 3 pinch people can do on themselves. I found this one that used a three pinch method the mean BF% for pinching was 11.59% vs 21.35% with DEXA.

                    This is kind of my gripe with calipers for bf% don't get me wrong I think they can be a good tool to measure change in body composition because if you pinch the same way it'll show you changes happening but actual bf% is tricky and super dependent on where you pinch and how often. Based on your account I believe you that you were really low bf% because it was the same for me, I err on the side of skepticism because of just how much broscience there is out there.

                      10 months ago

                      Thanks! I appreciate it. Normally I would search myself but I've acquired a disability that can make it difficult sometimes.

                      I'm right there with you. I don't give a shit what the number is, I just want consistent data.

                      10 months ago

                      Wow! Very cool data! Judging by these numbers I was probably more like 18-20% fat at my lowest. Humans are fattier than I've been taught!

                      Of course, this gives us the classic problem of having to stick with a flawed technique thanks to years of data and advice built up around it, or update your formulas and adjust the old data to better reflect reality. Fun stuff either way. Thanks for the articles!

                      • notceps [he/him]
                        10 months ago

                        I think what people sometimes forget is that our brains and our bone marrow is almost entirely fat and makes up around 5-6% of our body, but this again is just a bit the problem some will be able to do measurements that are closer to a DEXA and some will have one that's further away. It's a good tool for measuring change in bf% but yeah depending where and how often people pinch you'll have variance and almost always it'll get undercounted because you can't pinch brain matter or marrow.

            • 🏳️‍⚧️ 新星 [they/she]
              10 months ago

              I had mine legitimately measured at 10.2% by bioimpedance in a gym this year. It’s definitely possible to legitimately get this number as a result of a measurement, although this certainly might vary by body type and measurement, etc.

              • notceps [he/him]
                10 months ago

                BIA is honestly not that good, just depending on how much you drink you can read as 5% lower than you actually are, there's a reason why most lifters will generally ignore all the non DEXA results. Yes it is possible to get low bf% but the person that did it would know once you get towards single digit it is something you mentally and physically feel. It's genuinely miserable and doesn't look good, when you see some somewhat built guy with ok definition but not super dehydrated they are probably around 15% so many people just don't know how much fat is needed to like fill out our body.

      • kristina [she/her]
        10 months ago

        my bf usually hovers around at 15-20ish bf without cutting through daily weightlifting. 10% bf latently means youre putting your body through a lot of stress as a bodybuilder, my bf purposefully avoids doing that and is his main reason he doesnt do competitions which youll generally want to get down to 6% for. though my bf is much bigger than this guy tbh, hes was at like 310 pounds of muscle or something at one point 🤔

        i fucking love my bf hes so gorgeous 🥰 and he would list his fucking pronouns.

      • notceps [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I doubt it, if he were a gymcel he'd mention how much he lifts or how much time he spends in the gym this guy does the height, weight, bf% combo which is something people that aren't gymcels do. Different vibe than "I look like a man I'm 6'2' 225lbs and bench/squat/deadlift x plates". This is guy did some sports during high school and is coasting on that nowadays.

    • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
      10 months ago

      most cis people don't introspect and come to an understanding about themselves and attach to the category label

      in his mind he's not cis, he's "normal".

      i'm a white american and i've disincorporated those characteristics from my identity but my politics don't change my skin color or give me a pile of money to renounce citizenship.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        10 months ago

        I think you will always be those things, but that doesn't mean you have to support them. American culture will always shape the way you view the world, and having been raised white will always have an impact on how your life goes. There isn't anything you need to do to be american, it's more about what happened to you. Gender is a performance, so it is actually something you can choose how to do.

        • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
          10 months ago

          i generally agree but i could definitely be performatively white and performatively yankee, and not just on holidays or in sports stadiums.

    • raven [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Trans people say "We've come up with a naming scheme for ourselves in relation to you, it's trans/cis."
      And the cis person replies "No thank you, I'd rather pretend you don't exist."

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    10 months ago

    Homeboy is just posting fanfic of himself for the whole world to see. Why yes, I sleep in a massive bed with many naked ladies.

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    10 months ago

    See it's people like this that make me feel like I'm a fucking brain genius. Bro i graduated 4 years late and never did post secondary education.

    Hmm "cis" seems like it's from a different language like latin or some shit "10 seconds of googling later" oh the first use of cis with regards to gender was in the early 1900s

    Why can't people just learn first then have a stupid opinion after?

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      No investigation, no right to speak should be enforced. But its the complete opposite erhos of USians especially on the internet. Freeze speech, muh opinion, and its consequences

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    I had a look at their posting history and after about 30 seconds - I found something funny.

    They are a conservative but they support unions. etc.

    Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities - Hexbear

    I’m not a fan of their coffee at all. I work in sales, so if a customer wants it. I buy it but otherwise I skip them.

    I don’t like their union bashing but I’d have to be a customer to boycott it.

    I’m a conservative but I support unions. It’s a check and balance to the system. We need strong unions. I also fully support unions being on the board of companies.

    I could rant how I dislike boards. They’re supposed to keep things running and they do a shit Job. They do a great job of making everyone focus on the ceo who is controlled by the board.

      • posthexbearposting [they/them]
        10 months ago

        if by radicalised you mean becoming a brown shirt, then sure.

        he seemed too stubborn to listen to basic good faith advice on how to treat minorities without prejudice in this thread. He might like unions but so do natsocs when theyre doing natsoc stuff.

        • FanonFan [comrade/them, any]
          10 months ago

          Easier to radicalize someone capable of empathy tbh

          Not saying this person's impossible, maybe someone can get through to him logically why his white perspective is limited. But in my experience it's very difficult to teach cishet white males empathy if they don't get their themselves.

      • silent_water [she/her]
        10 months ago

        are you trying to say "I can fix him" without even seeing a picture??

  • windowlicker [she/her]
    10 months ago

    angrily emphasizing how much of a big strong man you are definitely means you're very confident in being a man, huh?

    the most truly masculine men i've ever met never felt the need to be this aggressive about how strong and manly they are.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      10 months ago

      the most truly masculine men i've ever met never felt the need to be this aggressive about how strong and manly they are.

      The flip side is there are plenty of eggs who had an "I'm a manly man who does manly man things" phase.

        • posthexbearposting [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Someone who is trans but hasn't realized it yet. Usually experiencing some form of internalized transphobia or denial before coming out.

          Breaking out of your egg is like the trans version of coming out of the closet to yourself

            10 months ago

            Okie doke. In NZ, calling someone an egg means something else.

            It's like a lighthearted jibe usually delivered with no malice behind it to mean someone is being silly/ a clown.

            • posthexbearposting [they/them]
              10 months ago

              yeah we have a similar term in Aus. Calling someone an "egg" is the same. And "good egg" vs "bad egg" is also used


    • Parent [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Has anyone in here posted the "I have over 300 confirmed kills" copy pasta yet?

      • silent_water [she/her]
        10 months ago

        I put 99% odds on that so I'll wager a dollar and you give me 100 if he's not a chaser