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  • Madcat [any]
    4 years ago

    So me and my sister might have covid. She's been coughing for days and for the last two I've had a banging headache, sore throat, teeth pain, and just kinda general pain all over. My breathing is completely fine which has me optimistic but I don't know if that's just because it's early days.

    She went to get a test done because we know if she has it I probably definitely have it too. Hoping it's just usual illnesses lol. Not really feeling up to having brain damage lately.

    EDIT: I just heard someone else coughing. :unsure:

      • Madcat [any]
        4 years ago

        I can still taste and smell thankfully. I'm hoping it's just a normal cold but it doesn't stop me from being paranoid.

        The mouth pain is weird too. I don't know where that's coming from.

    • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      If it is covid and you are not high-risk, be sensible and monitor yourself for worsening but don't panic. Your symptoms sound right. Corona is not a very deadly virus, unless you are up there in years, and as far as I can tell reports of lasting damage to people who do not have very uncommonly severe symptoms are exaggerated (there is an abundance of evidence for all sorts of lasting effects, but the numbers overall suggest that your individual risk for them is very minimal). It has killed so many because it is so very contagious, so by all means be overcautious about your quarantine, but if you convince yourself you are going to die you will put yourself through a lot more pain than you might otherwise, unnecessarily, which will hinder your recovery and make it difficult to assess your actual symptoms. It is a nasty bug, and a catching one, but keep your chin up. You'll be in my prayers, which are to satan

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      also look out for itchy toes apparently. I had covid, but I had zero respiratory symptoms so don't assume you don't have it just cause you can breathe fine with no coughing

      • Madcat [any]
        4 years ago

        how are you feeling these days if it isn't too personal to ask? the thing that worries me most about it is permanent damage.

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Well I and my 5 roommates all got it, 4 of us had rather minor symptoms and (seemingly) no lasting effects, 2 had moderate to severe symptoms but never to the point where anyone thought to go to the hospital, and one of them has had a cough since then