Did you know that painter grifters exist? Jon Mcnaughton is hilarious.

  • Torenico [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You can actually read about every single detail of that painting in his site. When you hover your mouse over the german soldier it says that "They killed millions but yeah some of them were innocent", it also completely whitewashes the modern US soldier and the Vietnam soldier as well, not saying that these people can be considered victims of US Imperialism. Also it includes an Israeli woman-soldier for some reason, but no Kurdish fighter.

    To make things worse that german soldier is actually from the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police), at least the color of the uniforms looks like it. There are no Soviet soldiers in the image either, you know those who fought against their total annihilation maybe? Don't like Communism? Got it, no Tsarist soldiers either, you know, some of these guys were religious fanatics. Nationalist fuck.