For the past few years, I've been seeing a rapid increase in liberal rhetoric surrounding secession, and it scares me.

I'm white, engaged to a black woman. We have already gotten pretty overt hostility from racists in our community. When people say shit like that, they're saying it's okay to throw me, my fiancee, and tens of millions (including other liberals) to the wolves to win some political points.

It embodies the disregard for human rights we see in the U.S. government. I feel like me and my soon-to-be wife are just props to them. We exist when it's convenient, but the moment it isn't, we're fucked.

I don't even know how to address it, either. I don't want my family and anyone who isn't white or doesn't have the right religion, skin tone, political beliefs or sexual orientation to live as a second class citizen, but a growing number of "allies" seem to think it's okay.

Most of us can't "just leave" like they say, either. That's too fucking expensive. It'd financially destroy most people if they tried to uproot their lives like that.

  • Jeremy [Iowa]
    1 year ago

    Frankly, this seems to be the natural culmination of a trend in how liberals define themselves as not the other team to such an extent they lose all self-reflection and totally miss how they're incidentally letting the other team shape them. They've pretty much entirely lost touch with the reality that exists outside upper-middle-class suburbia.

    You nailed it in that they suddenly care about not dedicated proud Democrats long enough to try and doom-and-gloom you into voting for them - with the ironic fire and brimstone messaging lost on them - but once the election ends, at best, you cease to exist. At worst, you're part of a bloc that didn't unanimously vote blue therefore are to blame for the loss.

    Does it scare me? Not overly much - I still suspect we're equal parts just seeing brought to the surface what was always there via social media and idiocy amplification, and the unfortunate endgame of partisanship and the resulting ideological and governmental deadlocks. It's unfortunate and saddening but not overly worrying.

    What does worry me is their tendency to mirror their opponents in rhetorical patterns, messaging patterns, dogpiling, groupthink, etc. with absolute unawareness of such. ~2/3 the country is so deadlocked on fuck the other team they can't even fathom they're both getting fleeced. I'm not sure how much longer that is going to be sustainable... but throw that into the bucket of things they don't actually care about and don't want to think about.