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  • ADamnedFool [any]
    4 年前

    Its very good. It will be great when they fix on it

    I'm not going to spoil anything about it but I kind of what to talk about the themes of it though. So its cyberpunk, vicious corporations and capitalism in particular is the enemy obviously, intrinsically but I think there's a little more to it than that.

    I threw in some extra thoughts about it that go into hard spoilers. There are minor spoilers before that but nothing you won't have been confronted it with by the start of the middle and main part of the game. Its clearly stated where the hard spoilers start. They are about an ending. So you were warned.


    ___The game is about death though as much as it is about capitalism. Specifically your death and your relationship to it. You meet Keanu Reeves and he does the legwork of being angry about the corporations for you and what they steal from everyone. You don't have to discover it, he says it in a way that makes it banal. The question here is what are you going to do about it. You are a finite being , the game is very concerned with making you feel that. You are probably going to die at the end of the game, there is no eternal summer your character is going off to. Prolonging your life is damnation and permanent isolation from the human species. What the game suggests matters about you is your connections to other people and what you will do for them and your time with them is absolutely limited. So what will you do for people who will outlive you.

    Or do you believe the world ends with you so you should do everything possible to prolong that? For the corporation that is absolutely the answer and it makes them beings of infinite evil, unbounded by death, whose only joys are the observations of fear and subservience. If you think the world exists pasts you and you are in a peculiar way belonging to other people what do you think is right thing to do in the face of your demise. It doesn't really answer that, how the fuck could it, but that's what its trying to confront you with.

    edit decided to expand on this a little. We are into hard spoilers here though

    The evil ending is you side with the main antagonist corporation to stabilise it and they will help you with your terminal brain problem. You might live a 'normal' and healthy life! The current instability has happened because the CEO killed his father in order to become the CEO, you were a witness to this and your testimony (and gunplay) helps bring the corporation to the control of his sister. She will run it better because he's been making some goofs. Apart from dear sister no one really gives a shit about the patricide, its a handy reason to get rid of him though. A cynic might take the view the corporation isn't going away and they have the best chance to help me and what do I give a shit who runs it. Wrong.

    Its revealed in backstory throughout the game that the fail son at one point turned his back on the corporation and started his own gang. Then he returns to the fold and its kind of shocking to people that he did this but no one really knows why. When you finally defeat the fail son he reveals why he did everything. He says his dad only cared that people fear him because that is is why they will obey him. Dad is a tyrant who terrorises millions of people for his own amusement, that's the fun part of business. Fail son did not care for that perspective so he left. Then was moved by Keanu when he literally nuked the corporation even though it had no long term effect. When he killed Dad and took the corporation it wasn't for personal benefit it was in order to destroy it. He literally says Keanu showed a nuke didn't work so I decided to become a better kind of bomb to free people from fear. Fail son isn't a good guy but he recognises genuine evil and has done everything in his power to weaken and then dismantle it.

    Anyway dear sister has formed her plan with her undead dad using the same technology that gives you Keanu in your head. Evil Dad takes over his son's body and is reborn and becomes the libertarian god king. You get six months to live or you go to digital soul prison forever. So that's the cynic and the coward's way of responding to the imminence of their death.