Hello. Lisa Montgomery is the first woman to be executed in nearly 50 years. She is profoundly mentally ill and understands that her crimes were committed without her control. Here is an overview of her torure This woman is literally the embodiment of sex trafficing, and the least that we can do is make things better for her. She gets executed on the 12th.

Lisa Montgomery, #11072-031

Federal Medical Center-Carswell

P.O. Box 27137

Fort Worth, TX 76127

  • qublics [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    That reminds me of a painful poem I read once via /r/DIDart: Angry (NSFL)
    Also has anyone here seen the Italian movie Like Crazy?

    Edit: the cycle of abuse is sustained by oppression, not by genetics, drugs, trauma, or mental illness.
    Anyone that cannot simply walk away from abusers, and expect to be protected, is living in an oppressive system.
    Also found a diagram that says exactly what I want: .jpg .pdf