Hello. Lisa Montgomery is the first woman to be executed in nearly 50 years. She is profoundly mentally ill and understands that her crimes were committed without her control. Here is an overview of her torure This woman is literally the embodiment of sex trafficing, and the least that we can do is make things better for her. She gets executed on the 12th.
Lisa Montgomery, #11072-031
Federal Medical Center-Carswell
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127
Killing Lisa won't undo the murder that happened. The only reason to kill someone is if doing so will DIRECTLY stop them doing physical violence against someone else. Killing a mentally ill woman who is incarcerated is just unneeded violence.
What would prevent more things like this occurring would be more non-abusive mental health and anti trafficking resources. The murder didn't occur because Lisa is somehow the origin of evil but because of a culture of violence and medical neglect.
I could mostly agree; except that any "only reason to kill someone" can run directly against consequentialism.
Edit: or many other codes of ethics for that matter.
Can we get guidance on what to write to someone on death row? I have trouble talking to people in real life, I'm at a complete loss here
The prison is going to read it first, so they won't deliver it if you get too far into the weeds. Imagine you have an aunt that lives far away and you want to wish them a Merry Christmas because you know they love the holiday. Keeping it simple would be best.
@notthenameiwant - Here's a more comprehensive resource I'd like to share: https://www.deathpenaltyworldwide.org/project/savelisa/
That reminds me of a painful poem I read once via /r/DIDart: Angry (NSFL)
Also has anyone here seen the Italian movie Like Crazy?Edit: the cycle of abuse is sustained by oppression, not by genetics, drugs, trauma, or mental illness.
Anyone that cannot simply walk away from abusers, and expect to be protected, is living in an oppressive system.
Also found a diagram that says exactly what I want: .jpg .pdfSteve Biko and the South African emancipatory revolutionary movements ftw
How can they go throughout with these executions without an active AG to sign the order?
it's the United States? we just make this shit up as we go along. the only rule is that your decisions can't help people. otherwise, it's "do what you want".
This was the first thing that I saw when I clicked on c.c this evening and I've seriously been wiping away tears for like 5 minutes. Y'all are incredible.
I am against the deathpenalty and for rehabilitative justice, but I am not supporting her with soothing words in a letter. I do not care about making her feel better. I do not care that she is the first woman in 50 years. I care about creating actual justice. If this was a thing to get her off death row I would support it. Not some letter writing campaign. I have zero sympathy for her actions but recognize how material conditions let to it. And I think we should focus on fixing those not writing letters.
I don't think this thread should have been featured in the first place.
If there was an immediate solution available for getting her off death row, I would have posted that. I don't think there is one. Alleviating the pain of victims of state violence is praxis, whether or not you like them personally.
Don't agree with capital punishment but this lady fucking cut open a pregnant woman and took her baby. I have zero sympathy for her
She was abused her entire life and her mind was broken. I guess if you can't feel sympathy for this woman you will not feel sympathy for anyone.
Michael Jackson was abused his whole life and was possibly castrated yet I feel zero sympathy for his pedophile ass. Do you?
Susan Atkins was brainwashed and sexually abused by Charles Manson. Zero sympathy for her for cutting up 9 months pregnant Sharron Tate
This lady was sold to the plumber and married to her brother and used as a sex toy from childhood the level of abuse isn't comparable. But yeah I probably feel sympathy for Michael Jackson.
That's terrible but it doesn't excuse what she did. A lot of people who did awful things had traumatic childhoods.
She was in a psychotic state, are you unfamiliar with how mental illness functions? The Lisa that is rotting on death row right now is not the same Lisa that killed that woman.
No it doesn't excuse what she did. It explains what she did. It wasn't some act of greed or malice it was just the product of a broken mind. Killing her is Trump lashing out and killing someone because he can. It serves nothing
I haven't seen any credible evidence that MJ abused any children and there's a lot of evidence of him being around children with every opportunity to be an abuser if he wanted to, and they all said he didn't.
I don't apologize for pedos and I don't even like MJ as a person. But lets have arguments of substance please.
Honestly the crime she did was pretty epic, especially considering that the victim was a puppy mill operator. I know it's likely only coincidence that she took out someone who was a terrible person but the dexterity involved in that kidnapping is next level. She definitely deserved to be free a long time ago.
edit: It has come to my attention that Montgomery was a dog breeder as well, but all criminals are deserving of sympathetic rehabilitation.
yeah I was shitposting, it's not normal to call a murder "epic" and "next-level" but it's hilarious that people approved of what I said anyway
I think I should have been more over-the-top about it to communicate that I was trying to bring levity but that would be too disrespectful
Prisons are illegitimate. Don't argue on Capitalist logic if you don't have to. Gulags and prisons do not work. They are a comfort for the insecure.
First, the death penalty is monstrous and goes against basic human rights even if the person is definitely guilty and fully responsible.
Second, in this particular case this person needed mental health treatment in an appropriate facility, not prison (which is itself monstrous in the US anyway), and definitely not being assassinated.
You are not against the death penalty in principle lol
It's not a principle if all it takes for it to go out the window is someone saying "yeah but the victim was a pregnant woman..."
I do not believe in the death penalty as retribution. The only justifiable reason to have the death penalty is if it will somehow stop future deaths, such as if somebody could serve as a figurehead while in prison. The death penalty as a deterrent is nonsense.
I can't comment on the mental health of anybody, but regardless, there are alternatives to killing somebody.
This is not about setting her free to kill again. Nobody condones what she did.
Nobody under such extreme psychosis, dissociation, and terrible conditions is capable of understanding the meaning or consequences of their actions.
Deterrence simply does not apply here. Any retribution ought to be directed at those who so willingly created the monster.Death penalty in the abstract is debatable; but that discussion is not relevant anyway, since this is an obviously example of where it should not be applied.
And one thing we might all agree upon: not under capitalism. Not one execution should be accepted under dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.It is not worth anyone's time to argue further with your insipid concern trolling.
Interesting how you're not advocating for the death penalty of her abusers
yes interesting, because killing her abusers would justify her cutting put babies out of women she killed
one woman, and that baby survived without injury, she is not a serial killer.
@deleuzional is lying deliberately.
Not even her legal team is saying pardon her. This has been brought up to you already.
OK so that is one person making a joke. What is your point exactly?
Melon does not use he/him pronouns (and may not consider herself a "dude" @notthenameiwant )
In any case, an individual "right to self-terminate" is an issue separate from executions by the capitalist state.
It is notable that some of the motivation for witch trials was also as mercy killings of women tormented by demons.
Their most pernicious demons of course spewing accusations of rape against kindly town folk.There is nothing much new under the sun. (edit: except maybe for video evidence)