Hello. Lisa Montgomery is the first woman to be executed in nearly 50 years. She is profoundly mentally ill and understands that her crimes were committed without her control. Here is an overview of her torure This woman is literally the embodiment of sex trafficing, and the least that we can do is make things better for her. She gets executed on the 12th.

Lisa Montgomery, #11072-031

Federal Medical Center-Carswell

P.O. Box 27137

Fort Worth, TX 76127

  • Pleasure_Hacktivist [doe/deer,hy/hym]
    4 years ago

    Killing Lisa won't undo the murder that happened. The only reason to kill someone is if doing so will DIRECTLY stop them doing physical violence against someone else. Killing a mentally ill woman who is incarcerated is just unneeded violence.

    What would prevent more things like this occurring would be more non-abusive mental health and anti trafficking resources. The murder didn't occur because Lisa is somehow the origin of evil but because of a culture of violence and medical neglect.

    • qublics [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      I could mostly agree; except that any "only reason to kill someone" can run directly against consequentialism.
      Edit: or many other codes of ethics for that matter.