What's really the point of any of this? Force the vote, cush bomb nonsense, menaker movie rants.

What's really the point? Chapo at this point is just a grift. They offer no solutions just depression. Matt even admits in one of his cush logs that he'll be here to just keep gifting after the election.

Force our politicians to do anything why? Why should we bother. Clearly the left is just going to swirl down the drain of nihilism while the right invades capitals.

What's really the point of the left?

  • CountryRoads [fae/faer,it/its]
    4 年前

    Leftists are massive babies who can't even handle a slight win without crying. Our movement doesn't have the stability to handle 500 losing floor votes like a bunch of Tea Party psychos.

    It the elected socialists in congress

    All what, 3 (at best)?

    would demand a house vote for medicare for all during a pandemic, it would make them popular

    We've been in a pandemic for almost a year, and Medicare for All is less popular than it was a year ago! Adding "in a pandemic" to the end of something does not make people change their mind. Many people would be convinced that a global health crisis is the worst time to do Medicare for All because "we can't change course now" or "we can't risk our seniors with socialized death panels"

    it would put pressure on the corporate democrats

    L M A O. It would be about as much pressure as the air being too cold on their offices.

    The threat of primary challengers? Jesus Christ man, are you listening to yourself? The Democrats have a massive war chest, and guess what? The electorate is only getting worse for Lefties because whatever tender memories of organized labor or a functioning welfare state that the Boomers had, Gen Xers have zero. Corporate Dems are the Party.

    it would in general mean the left would be dictating the terms of the political debate in the country for once.

    Absolutely fucking delusional