I tried reading manufacting consent and holy fuck I couldn't even go a few pages without having to look something up to even get close to understanding it. That said, I do get the overarching principle of it so I guess something sunk in. Currently, I'm flying through Understanding The World or something, a collection of speech from Chomsky. It's totally understandable, and even enjoyable to read. Another one that I havent got yet, but seem to like the look of is Capitalist Realism, it's only 90 pages.

Any suggestions?

  • heqt1c [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "We're losing 1.2M jobs a week, wealth for the bottom 90% of the country is in freefall, and Jeff Bezos just made $3B in a single day by selling his stock.... do you think it's appropriate that Congress allowed the unemployment benefits to expire when they approved nearly half a trillion dollars in corporate welfare without batting an eye?"

    is a lot more relateable than:

    "Imperialism--the era of bank capital, the era of gigantic capitalist monopolies, of the development of monopoly capitalism into state-monopoly capitalism--has clearly shown an unprecedented growth in its bureaucratic and military apparatus in connection with the intensification of repressive measures against the proletariat"

    While both are true, one comes off as grounded in our tangible reality, while the second (Lenin) comes off as somewhat abstract and distant.