Only Felix had a few good words for it - the rest retreated into lame doomed crap as though it’s only theatre.

Fuck that! Make Pelosi sweat! Fuck shit up and push hard now, while public support for M4A is peaking.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    People are not going to just join a socialist organization. You need to wake the fuck up and realize we're a minority. Regardless of whatever polls say about the popularity of leftist ideas, most people are hesitant to join a socialist org. What's your answer? The DSA? Yeah they just scored a huge electoral victory by participating in the theater of electoralism. Now they will "knee-bend" with the "radlibs" and try to achieve some goal. You're going to form your own socialist org then? Good. You're going to get a bunch of people who already agree with you to stand in one spot and regurgitate the same talking points to one another. That's easy. How are you then going to convince enough normies to join you? You're going to tell them to read books and show them gritty memes? You think if you say "well those other people are radlibs and they're bad and you don't want to be those people right so join us because we're actually good" that will work? That's what Democrats do. I know you're not going to do anything militant so it's not even worth mentioning.

    For some ungodly reason you children on this fucking website can't see any of that. You think that one day people will just suddenly regret not being cool and join socialist orgs and then everything will change. You won't have to change anything about yourself, the world will change around you. Some guy who you like on a podcast will suddenly have the perfect strategy. Or a group of your online buddies will read enough theory and perfect way forward will form out of thin air. Then some other people who you like will go apply it and we'll get socialism.

    You're going to have to work with people who aren't amenable to your politics. You're going to have to give them a reason to do something other than not being a lib. You're going to have to advocate your ideas in some way other than snark and contempt. You're going to have to have some humility. And unless you're going to pick up a gun (you're not) then you have no place to be calling electoral pressure or participating in bourgeois theater 'knee-bending.' You're not some antifa super soldier. You're not going to be commanding anyone to bend a knee to you anytime in your life. Sorry to burst that bubble of ego champ.

    If a group of people who are not socialists are frustrated with the system in the way that you are, then they can be swayed. They may not support socialism as a whole but we don't need them to. We take what is offered. If you're unwilling to hold your nose and work with the audience of some talkshow host, then you don't need to be schooling anyone on anything. You need to go back to listening to your podcast and just share some more guillotine memes. They are people with jobs, hence they are workers, and they are frustrated. You can either appeal to them or Dore or some fascist will. You can't turn your nose up at it and write them off as not worth because they aren't running out to immediately join your ideal socialist organization.

    I don't think M4A is the ultimate solution. I don't think this vote would solve everything. I think you could add more demands to it actually. So I don't know who the fuck you're calling a radlib but it sure as fuck ain't me you fucking baby. If you don't think the US primed for a socialist revolution right now then you're a fucking liberal yourself. If all you can do is regurgitate Christman and go "But we don't have a party we need a party!" then fuck off. That's exactly what I'm talking about doing. You can start by uniting a group of people under something and either get it done or use that failure to roll into something else. To form a party you need someone who can rile people up and get them pointed in a direction enough for the real organizers to step in and aim.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
      4 years ago

      People don't join socialist parties because the radlibs are too busy rehabilitating Crapitalism with their dogshit capitalist takes like "socialism is when the government does stuff" and undermining the socialist movement of helping the people learn about the power they wield and how to use it.

      Instead of burning your braincells over crying "why won't my socdem heroes make everything better for me" why don't you log off and join an organization to actually make a material change in reality.

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        I don't have socdem heroes. You're just refusing to fucking read what I'm saying because you have no real rebuttal other than to call everything lib/radlib/socdem/succdem/whatever cutesy twitter insult your internet-addled brain clings to.

        Yes truck drivers from Utah aren't joining the vanguard because AOC said socialism is when the government does stuff. What a great take that's totally based in reality and not just you trying to fit more meme references in your posts to prove how not terminally online you are.

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
          4 years ago

          There's nothing worth responding to in your comments. That is all.

          Log off and go join an org.

          • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
            4 years ago

            Yet you keep responding. I already am part of an org. The trick isn't to get socialists to join socialist orgs. The trick is to get normal people to do it, as I've been saying and you've been ignoring.

                  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                    4 years ago

                    I didn't say anything about your leftist credentials, you were the one calling everyone a lib/radlib/vaush/etc. And then you tried this dumb ass "log off right now and create socialism for me or you're wrong" shtick when you couldn't come up with a reply. If you're going to question my leftism don't get pissy when it's thrown back at you.

                      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                        4 years ago

                        I don't have to do something right now because you demand it dork. If I spend the rest of the day tugging on my balls while replying to you it has no bearing on the leftist project.