Only Felix had a few good words for it - the rest retreated into lame doomed crap as though it’s only theatre.

Fuck that! Make Pelosi sweat! Fuck shit up and push hard now, while public support for M4A is peaking.

    • ColinInk [any]
      4 years ago

      A war can be fought on multiple fronts.

      A first vote loss would not be the end. It need not damage other efforts.

        • ColinInk [any]
          4 years ago

          And if I said sure, you’re right - then all would be well.

          Those arduous efforts to develop M4A policy and devise transition and calculate costings and design ways to massage public acceptance - given that many ‘good’ jobs will be lost in healthcare insurance companies in swing states - I applaud all that work.

          I just don’t see how it somehow is destroyed by forcing a vote on the house floor.