Seriously fuck you piggie

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is pretty much how police departments make money in rural America. Anyone who has lived in the rural country of the south knows from experience what I'm about to detail;

    They will set up hot spots around corner stores and outside neighborhoods around 5 AM and later around 4 PM. These are the times most people are going to work in the morning and later heading home in the evening. They will flag people for speeding tickets, and then do the usual checks for insurance for more tickets.

    I will never forget this incident about 5 years ago when I was coming home from work around 5 PM and the neighborhood I lived in was completely staked out with cop cars and pulling people over, all of which who were coming home from work and trying to get home. There was a squad car at 3 different gas stations; another sitting hidden in the parking lot of a dollar store, two more cars sitting at the post office (one of which that was parked illegally in the grass to hide behind a tree), one more patrolling the street from the interstate and finally, the last car was completely up the road in a neighborhood. I counted EIGHT cop cars in this small area.

    I went in the gas station and people in there were spooked and freaked out. 4 people in that gas station were complaining they got pulled over and checked for insurance, license and their tags and they were not speeding at all. The clerk explained to everyone that they had been there for an hour and people had been coming into the store constantly complaining about how the cops were treating them. Right across the street from this gas station is the dollar store I mentioned, and the cop that had been staked out there was checking people for insurance. When I went back outside, he had an old woman who was screaming at him as he checked her car, and then right outside this on the road is one of those cop cars staked out waiting to check people from leaving.

    TLDR; eight total cop cars staking out a small town off the interstate and pulling over everyone they possibly could to check for insurance, license and tags. You would've thought that there was an escaped killer on the loose or something, but no. Just cops pulling people over to write tickets and fines.