Seriously fuck you piggie

  • Zman51 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I feel kind of conflicted about this. I live in a city with piss poor bicycling infrastructure and drivers who are openly hostile to pedestrians/cyclists. It's also not uncommon for people to go 10-30 mph above the speed limit where, frankly, the speed limit was already probably a touch too high. Our bike lines also tend to just become places for motorists to put on their hazards and text (this forces cyclists to merge into car traffic and hope to god the driver doesn't door them). Drivers in general are constantly making very dangerous maneuvers to try to cut time out of their commute. I also don't believe that everyone who drives like this is doing so because they are late for work. My city has a big "war on cars" crowd, especially in the surrounding suburbs. It's almost like people are making a statement when they zoom by you at 50mph, honking their horn and giving you an inch between their side mirror and your handlebars.

    I really, really want this to change because I feel like I am putting my life on the line every time I leave my home but I also don't just want a bunch of pigs handing out tickets discriminately. I think massive changes to road infrastructure, stamping out silly "war on cars" type of rhetoric and alleviating people of the capitalist hellhole they live in that makes them feel like they need to shave 3 minutes off of every commute would probably be a good start, but in the current world we live in, I don't know what a good solution is to people blatantly disobeying traffic laws to the extent that they're putting people's lives in danger. All that happens in my city is the local politicians pander to the "war on cars" crowd and make infrastructural changes that, ironically, make traffic worse because people have a hard time understanding that public transit and alternate modes of transportation actually reduce traffic.