heres how I know; vietnam & australia didn't need the vaccine to do it, so whatever it is that caused the US to not be able to deal with the pandemic without the vaccine is also gonna make the US be unable to deal with the pandemic with the vaccine.
The lack of the vaccine isn't the problem, corruption is. It isn't a tech problem, it's a governance problem. The US is gonna have COVID for ever.
PS, the exact same thing applies for climate change. Ppl be like "oh climate change will be fixed once we invent the right tech". The thing is, we already have the tech to end climate change, we're just ruled by ppl who don't want to. We're fucked, and we're fucked forever, stop waiting for the ghost of albert einstein to solve your problems for you with a glass vial & recognize that anyone who tells you to is the enemy
I agree on climate change but disagree about the vaccine. Of course tech can't solve every problem, but vaccines are probably the best example of a case where technology can make a big difference. Like smallpox probably could've theoretically been eradicated through aggressive quarantine measures, but was instead eradicated by vaccine, because the vaccine makes things easier.
It's both. Problems can have multiple causes and multiple solutions. At this point I think even an ideal government wouldn't be able to eradicate COVID in the US without a vaccine. Vietnam did well because they caught it early and took it seriously.
We are absolutely going to have covid forever. Coronavirus adaptive immunity is almost always short-lived (think 3-5 years), and to functionally eliminate a virus from a population requires something like 90% compliance.
If you don't think that the 90% of the population of the United States will concurrently be vaccinated within a 3-5 year window, which will never fucking happen, then you have to accept it as a new endemic virus. It won't be as rampant as it is now, but it'll be around forever now.
Luckily the vaccines appear to be effective and you can protect yourself and loved ones with regular doses.
I'm not saying COVID will necessarily be eradicated, but I think it will be possible to go back to normal and not keep having a 9/11 every day.
text-search this article for the sentence that contains the words "seven years"
It's not so simple, even if that percentage of the population doesn't get vaccinated, the rest have either contracted the virus already, will contract the virus anyways after a short period of time, or spread will just completely stop due to herd immunity combined with measures. It's hard to tell for sure what will happen but diseases have been eradicated due to vaccination in the past, it may not happen immediately but it may still happen eventually. Then again, maybe it won't happen at all, but if vaccines improve to the point where distribution isn't as hard as it's been so far (and they probably will), it won't really be an issue any more. Measles is an extremely contagious disease, far more so than covid, but it was eradicated in many countries due to vaccinations. Of course one complication is that immunity from measles lasts pretty much for a lifetime, whereas it's probably not the same for covid. But we shall see.
rrright but no vaccine will fix a country being incapable of distributing it. It'll get outsourced to Martin Shkreli because there is no justice in the world and then you'll need to get a loan to afford it and I won't ever be able to get it bc I don't have the credit for a $300,000 vaccine loan
Everything I've heard indicates that it'll be free.
they said the same thing about the tests & where I live they're $200 a pop.
Fair enough.