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  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    4 years ago

    wow, nomiki is really trash, talking about how buildings NATO destroyed in libya were destroyed so nicely

  • Zodiark [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm not really sure what to make of AOC, except to comment that I feel I have been inoculated into believing in politicians like champions or advocates of justice ever since Barack Obama's first two years in office and his entire tenure as President.

    I think AOC is ambitious, and was gambling on a Sanders Presidency to further her career and support from and to the DSA. Unfortunately, that didn't materialize. And since there is no left or mass social movement to really insulate AOC from attack, or to grant her hard leverage for championing social justice or reform, she has to kowtow to Democratic leadership. Even if she might be able to compel a vote, it is just as likely that she is truly impotent and vulnerable to redistricting or expulsion from Congress as well.

    This is not to defend her, but rather to denounce branding without substance as that is the modus operandi of Obama & the Democratic party. It is designed to sheepdog left-liberals and popular clamor and outcry into the political system designed to neuter, demoralize, and weaken popular struggle. AOC is amusing, but not a leader, and dunking on Republicans or neoliberal pundits is more soap opera than politics.

    tl;dr - Be the change you seek.

  • queenjamie [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So I'm not surprised by the Cenk stuff cuz it's clear he's had the Russiagate brainworm from the beginning.

    I'm not too hard on Ana cuz I think she's on the path towards becoming even more socialist (so I won't knock her for previous bad Russia takes).

    But my god.... Nomiki has some serious explaining to do.

    Oh, and of course Sam Seder has lib tendencies but I think he's a good starting point for a lot of normies and libs (as he has no problem with those to the left of him like Michael Brooks (RIP) or Jamie Peck).

    • handystack [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      FWIW I stopped listening to the weekends show after they failed to cover the Indian strikes in real time. They are anticommunist. Jacobin prints some good stuff, but don't expect calls for revolution or any support for existing communist states.

      • queenjamie [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Tbh I stopped listening after Brooks died, though from time to time I'll tune in. But damn... they didn't cover the Indian strikes?

        • handystack [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Yep. They got a chat question about it at the end of the show and just kind of babbled awkwardly until there was something else to latch onto.

          • queenjamie [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            The ironic thing is that I'm 100% sure that Michael would have done a stream about it on his own channel like the day he heard about it. He even had people like Vijay Prashad (a communist and tbh one of the smartest people out there) on his show. He'll be missed.... RIP. And without him then yeah, I can see Ana getting stuck in that anti-communist Jacobin bubble.

        • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm 100% sure they covered it. I can link it later, but now I'm sleepy.

          go easy on jacobin magazine, it's a collection of writers coming from all sorts of perspectives. it's got lots of liberals, but also tons of radicals who hide their true goals in the name of persuading folks in the middle. earnest liberals like kasparian will likely become more radicalized as time goes on.

          RIP Michael brooks, still miss that dude :(