• notgood [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yay for moderate to crippling social anxiety that I think is holding me back in a lot of areas and making my life worse and now that I'm in college I feel like I should do something about it instead of not knowing if I'll ever make meaningful progress by myself. I don't really know who to talk to bc the way things are I'll probably just keep kicking the problem down the road once I go back next month.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I know that not everyone is in a situation where professional help is available and I consider myself lucky that I live in a country where the national health insurance allows me to go to a psychiatrist but if you have the opportunity at all to get help you should really use it.

      Getting a diagnosis and an explanation of the mechanism that makes your brain tilt is liberating. Having a theoretical framework and a vocabulary for your ailment is by itself a huge help as it allows you to talk about it and understand it.

      I'm not cured. Lots of things are still hard and years and years of going undiagnosed has left me with a shitload of pain and bother that I still have to work through but getting diagnosed, having my ADHD medicated and going to therapy to understand my emotions and interpersonal interactions better was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.